A disease in which the immune system makes an inflammatory response to a harmless antigen
Hives, itching, swelling can be symptoms of?
Allergic reaction
Your skin, mucus membranes and tears are all considered part of this.
"first layer of defence" of our immune system
Name 3 types of white blood cells
Neutrophils, Monocytes, Eosinophil, Basophil, or Lymphocyte
T-lymphocytes function is too...
Recognise and kill pathogens
This provides the body with a weakened or dead version of a pathogen so that it can develop an immune response.
What is the function of the immune system?
Defends body against disease using white blood cells to maintain homeostasis
Red bone marrow's function is....
Stem cell production, and creation of white blood cells
Filters blood cells and destroys worn out blood cells, engulfs debris is function of what?
When the immune system fails to recognize the body’s own molecules as “self,” or belonging to the person. Instead, it attacks body cells as though they were dangerous pathogens.
Autoimmune diseases
Your body makes these in response to recognized antigens
Which drugs are used to help the immune system fight bacterial disease/infection by interfering with the cell wall.
Trap and remove pathogens and other foreign materials that enter the mouth or nose
Tonsils and Adenoids
I am a chemical marker that tells you what the pathogen is?
Eosinophils mainly deal with what type of infections
Parasitic infections
large, Y-shaped molecules with only 1 specific type of antigen
Which autoimmune disease consists of the white matter of the brain and spinal cord being destroyed?
Multiple sclerosis
Name 3 ways that bacteria can get into your body?
Through the nose, mouth, ears, broken skin etc.
What is the percentage of bacteria in your body that is good?
Encounter pathogens that enter the body through the intestinal tract
Appendix & Peyer’s Patches
The chemical produced in the body during a reaction to an allergen such as pollen or pet dander.
Antibodies form naturally after _________
Antibodies form 'artificially' after __________
Works to move pathogens trapped in mucous away from and out of our body
A person that studies the immune system is called?