Autoimmune and Immunodiffitency
What are the two types of diseases that affect the Immune System?
Platelets, Natural Cell Killer, Lymph Nodes, Thymus, Adenoids, Tonsil, Spleen, Bone Marrow, Red Blood Cells, White Blood Cells, Appendix
What are the parts of the Immune System?
When your immune system gets confused and attacks healthy cells.
What are Autoimmune Diseases?
Filter lymphatic fluid and defend the body from diseases and infections
What do Lymph Nodes do?
A cancer that causes your plasma cells not to work properly.
What is Multiple Myeloma?
Stores many immune cells and acts as a filter for the bloodstream.
What is the Spleen?
when your body starts to destroy the pancreas, the place that produces insulin.
What is Type 1 Diabetes?
Cells that are among the fastest-acting cells in the body.
What are Platelets?
Chemotherapy, Radiation Therapy, Immunotherapy
Ways to treat Multiple Myeloma
Fleshy masses at the back of your throat that filter out germs in your mouth and nose.
What are Tonsils?