What is the Immune System?
To be immune means to be protected. So it makes sense that the body system that helps fight off sickness is called the immune system. The immune system is made up of a network of cells, tissues, and organs that work together to protect the body.
What do phagocytes do?
Chews up or eat invading germs.
Phagocytes eat up pathogens by attaching to and wrapping around the pathogen to engulf it. Once the pathogen is trapped inside the phagocyte, it is in a compartment called a phagosome.
What are Vaccines/immunizations?
Shots protect you by giving you only a tiny piece of a disease-causing germ or by giving you a version of the germ that is dead or very weak.
Your body responds to the vaccine by making antibodies. These antibodies are part of your immune system, and they stay in your body. This way, your body can fight the disease if you have contact with that nasty germ in the future.
What keeps your immune system healthy? List one or two ideas
Vaccines, hand hygiene, eating well, drinking water, getting a good sleep, stress management, physical exercise, no smoking or drinking excessive alcohol.
What organs are included in the immune system?
spleen, lymph nodes, thymus, and bone marrow.
What do Lymphocytes do?
Allows the body to remember and recognize previous invaders.
What vaccine do people get yearly?
Flu Shot
What hurts your immune system? List one or two ideas
Smoking/vaping, drinking alcohol, not washing your hands, when others forget to cover face when sneezing or coughing, not eating well (i.e., candy/chips), not sleeping, stress
Also diseases such as AIDS/HIV, autoimmune disease (diabetes)
The ______ provides a large physical barrier that keeps most germs out of the body. Germs can only get through if there is a break in the _____, like a cut or a scrape.
Skin; skin
What are B cells?
B cells release products called antibodies, which attack antigens.
Antibodies = stick to germs and flag them for other white blood cells to destroy.
Do vaccines hurt?
A little bit but goes away very quickly.
Reminder: theys vaccines are lifesaving for diseases and illnesses.
When should you wash your hands? List one or two ideas
Before, during, and after preparing food; Before and after treating a cut or wound; After using the toilet; After changing diapers or cleaning up a child who has used the toilet; After blowing your nose, coughing, or sneezing; touching public door handles or grocery carts
Germs can get inside the body through our nose, mouth, and eyes. Our immune system protects these openings with _______.
Mucous is a sticky lining that traps germs that try to get through these openings. We sometimes call mucous spit or snot. Saliva and tears also help kill germs trying to get in through your mouth and eyes.
How many types of T cells are there?
2; T cells are divided into helper cells and killer cells.
Helper T cells produce substances that help new lymphocytes grow.
Killer T cells destroy cells in the body that are infected by antigens.
What grade do you get vaccines?
Grade 6!
How long should you wash your hands for?
At least 20 seconds