Specific protein that defends against foreign invaders
What is an immunoglobulin (antibody)?
Cells that locate and kill pathogens overlooked by the bodies external barriers
What are white blood cells?
A nonspecific response including swelling, redness, pain, itching, and warmth at the affected site
What is inflammation?
The type of protection that is passed from mother to child by breastfeeding
What is passive immunity?
Exaggerated immune response to a harmless antigen
What is an allergy?
Epinephrine 1:1,000 subcutaneously
What is a priority medication for anaphylaxis?
Molecules form a pathogen or foreign organism that provoke a specific immune response
What is an antigen?
B cells produce these to destroy pathogens
What are antibodies?
Mast cells or macrophages release chemicals to signal to hypothalamus to increase the body’s temperature
What is a fever?
These cells are involved in cell-mediated immunity
What are T-cells?
When the immune system releases large quantities of histamine
What is anaphylaxis (Type I hypersensitivity reaction)?
Sneezing, nasal congestion, clear watery discharge, nasal itching, dry cough
What are signs/symptoms of allergic rhinitis?
Ability of an organism to recognize and defend itself against specific pathogens or antigens
What is immunity?
You would expect these lab values to be elevated in a patient with a parasitic infection
What are eosinophils?
Protein markers on surface of cells/viruses that identify a foreign cell or virus
What is an antigen?
When you get the flu, then are exposed to the same virus but do not become ill again.
What is active immunity?
When the immune system identifies normal parts of the the body as foreign and actives the complement cascade
What is a Type II cytotoxic reaction (hypersensitivity reaction)?
Affects joints symmetrically. Most frequently wrists, hands, elbows, shoulders, knees, ankles
What is rheumatoid arthritis?
Requires production of antibodies and creation of specialized lymphocytes against specific antigens
What is the immune response?
The body‘s first line of defense against pathogens
What is skin?
The ability of an organism to recognize and defend itself against specific pathogens or antigens
What is immunity?
These cells signal antibody production by the B cells
What is a Helper T-cell?
Is identified by acute inflammation usually deposited in the joints and kidneys
What is an Immune Complex Reaction (Type III hypersensitivity reaction)?
This condition causes a butterfly rash on the face
What is systemic lupus erythematosus (SLE, lupus)?
Thymus gland, spleen, lymph nodes, tonsils, and adenoids
What comprises lymphoid tissue?
3 Types of proteins used to fight invading pathogens
What is complement proteins, antibodies, and interferons?
This lymphoid tissue peaks in childhood and shrinks during puberty
What is the thymus gland?
Is non specific at birth and responds to foreign invader similar from one encounter to the next
What is innate (natural) immunity?
Skin contact, injection, ingestion, inhalation
How are allergic reactions initiated?
An autoimmune disease affecting the connective tissue of the skin, blood vessel walls, and internal organs
What is scleroderma?