Western Territories Become States
Discrimination and Laws Against Immigrants
The Great Depression
World War II
Awareness and Change
The U.S. bought this state from Mexico in 1850. 

What is California?


Many white Americans accused immigrants of color of stealing this from them.

What are jobs?


This market is where company can sell shares, and people can buy and sell shares.

What is the stock market?


This harbor in Hawai'i was attacked by the Japanese on December 7, 1941.

What is Pearl Harbor?


In the 1960s, many people fought for equal rights for these two groups of people.

Who are African Americans and women?


California entered the U.S. as a free state, which meant this practice was illegal.

What is slavery?


This act prevented Chinese immigrants from moving to the U.S for 10 years.

What is the Chinese Exclusion Act?


Many people could not afford this necessity during the Great Depression.

What is food?


President Roosevelt sent Japanese Americans to live in this place after the bombings in Hawai'i.

What are internment camps?


In 1962, Cesar Chaves and Dolores Huerta created this to improve working conditions and pay for farm workers.

What is a labor union / the National Farm Workers Association?


This act was passed in 1862. It promised cheap land for people who moved out west.

What is the Homestead Act of 1862?


This act not only extended the amount of time the Chinese immigrants had to wait to move to the U.S., but it required all Chinese immigrants carried a certificate of residency. If they did not have this, they would be deported.

What is the Geary Act of 1892?


Midwesterners moved to the West to look for this, but they could not find it.

What are jobs?


Many women lost their jobs to these people after they returned to their homes from World War II.

Who are men?


Some farm owners used this method to stop the workers who tried to unionize.

What is violence?


Due to this mode of transportation being completed, more people could move out west.

What is the Transcontinental Railroad?


This act that paid Filipino Americans to the Philippines was eventually overturned by the U.S. Supreme Court. 

What is the Filipino Repatriation Act of 1935?


The Midwest suffered from this, which caused dry soil and dead crops. 

What is a drought / What is the Dust Bowl?


Before World War II, women were only allowed to do this job before the war.

What is a nurse?

Native Americans did this for 18 months on Alcatraz Island to raise awareness for Native American rights and request a Native American museum and educational center.

What is protest?


This state was the first state to grant women the right to vote in 1890.

What is Wyoming?


This program brought 4,500,000 Mexican nationals back to the U.S. to work on farms for low pay and in poor work conditions. We kept this program for 22 years after World War II. 

What is the Bracero Program?


Many people sold their shares from the market, which caused this.

What is a stock market crash?


This woman is the face of the iconic poster used to recruit women to build planes and other military jobs during the war.

Who is Rosie the Riveter?


This man was the first openly gay and Jewish elected official in the U.S. government, who used his platform to fight for LGBTQ rights.

Who is Harvey Milk?
