Reason why batterers commit domestic violence
to control the victims and other members of the household
are children affected by domestic violence?
what is the most effective deterrent in preventing continued violence?
arresting the batterer
name 1st characteristic
May have physical injuries including injuries from sexual assault
name 1st characteristic
learn that violence is an acceptable and expected part of relationships
Batterers are abusers and can be either men or women (true or false)
what can domestic violence cause kids to have
who can be affected positively?
victim, batterer, and children
name 2nd charcateristic
May have low self esteem
name 2nd characteristc
may have low self-esteem
what tactics can batterers use?
physical, sexual and psychological tactics.
what is PC 273a
child endangerment act
how can the victim be affected positively?
they begins to believe that something can be done, lessens guilt and shame, and realizes someone is willing to help
name 3rd characteristic
Suffers emotional trauma
name 3rd characteristic
learns to use violence to express frustration, anger, or needs
What can batterers use for intimidation
emotional abuse or use intimidation
what is the intergenerational chain of violence?
when children see a perpetrator of domestic violence suffer no consequences, they begin to see violence as an accepted mode of behavior.
how can the batterer be positively affected
they learn there are consequences to violent behavior and learns that domestic violence is not a private/ family/ civil matter
name 4th characteristic
Has damaged self-image, ego, and self-respect
name 4th characteristic
may blame themselves for the violence
what are batterers (starts with a p)
who can be affected parties in domestic violence?
how can children be affected positively
it relays message that violence is wrong, breaks loop of intergenerational violence, establishes the violent parent as the responsible party, and gives access to social services
name 5th characteristic
May feel shame or guilt
name 5th characteristic
may be emotionally or physically neglected