What is a dynasty?
This caused Chinese farmers to move from the north of China to southern China during the Tang and Song dynasties.
What are attacks from Mongols.
(Accept attacks, raids)
A wider and flatter arch is the main advantage of this Chinese invention.
What is the segmental arch?
The attitude toward foreigners during most of the Tang dynasty.
What is welcoming?
The name of the country in red.
What is China?
Emperors in China can not be replaced unless this mandate is evoked due to their bad ruling and bad environmental factors.
What is the Mandate of Heaven?
This agricultural trick allowed Chinese farmers to farm on mountains and hillsides.
What is terracing?
Porcelain plates invented during Imperial China are still known today by this term.
What is China or fine China?
What is the Mongols?
China is in this continent.
What is Asia?
This group was originally chosen by emperors to help them rule.
What are aristocrats?
This huge water system allowed increased trade and economic growth in China.
What is the Grand Canal?
This is the main advantage of steel over iron.
What is steel is stronger than iron?
Merchants used this trade route more frequently than other social classes in China.
What is the Silk Road?
The green country is known as
What is Mongolia?
If you wanted a civil service job during the Song dynasty, you would need to study this philosopher.
Who is Confucius?
This is a huge reason why the demand for luxury items increased in Imperial China.
What is landowners were getting wealthier?
Rocket technology was created for these fun, nighttime party favors.
What are fireworks?
Increased trade between Europe and China increased thanks to this European.
Who is Marco Polo?
This body of water is known as
The East China Sea.
One weakness of China's civil service exams is that it created a bureaucracy that valued this concept over progress.
What is tradition?
(Confucianism, philosophy)
This unusual practice was performed by wealthy families to prove that they didn't need their women to work.
What is foot binding?
Despite a more modern approach to printing, the Chinese used this old-fashioned method to print game cards during the 9th century.
What is woodblock printing?
This admiral was sent around the world to show off the wealth of China during the Ming dynasty.
Who was Admiral Zheng He?
This body of water is known as
The South China Sea.