foreign policy
US imperialize Latin America
US expands influence in China and Japan
US expands
What is the difference between isolationism and imperialism?
Isolationism is when a nation doesn't get involved in world affairs. Imperialism is when a nation takes over another nation for control of it's economy and gov't.
The US wanted to build the Panama Canal because?
shorten the sea route between the Atlantic and Pacific coasts
What was the Open Door Policy? Why was it created?
It opened up trade within China to the US. Even though China was already imperialized, the US could take advantage of its natural resources
What is imperialism?
foreign policy where a stronger nation takes economic and political control over a weaker nation
What is a nativist? Why were many Americans nativists (2 reasons)?
Someone who doesn't want immigrants in America b/c they felt they took people's jobs and didn't assimilate well.
it gave the United States exclusive (only the US could) trading rights with Cuba & a military base. What was the Platt Amendment?
it gave the United States exclusive (only the US could) trading rights with Cuba & a military base.
What was the immediate cause of the Spanish American War?
the sinking of the SS Maine
Which 4 nations held spheres of influence in China? Which major superpower didn't have one?
Japan, Russia, England, France. The US didn't have a sphere of influence
It gave the US oil, fur, and other natural resources. Many thought it was a waster of money and a frozen wilderness. Why was the purchase of Alaska a good choice for the expansion of America oversees? Why did many not agree with the purchase?
It gave the US oil, fur, and other natural resources. Many thought it was a waster of money and a frozen wilderness.
What is the melting pot theory?
America is a mix of different cultures and nationalities
What is the Monroe Doctrine? Describe how it allowed the US to expand overseas.
The Monroe Doctrine was the US policy that demanded that Europe stay out of the Western Hemisphere. It allowed the US primary access to imperialize Latin America.
What 4 nations did the US gain from the Spanish American War? Where did the Spanish American War start and why did the US win so easily?
Guam, Puerto Rico, Cuba, and the Phillipines. It started in the Phillipines, and the Spanish weren't prepared
What is a sphere of influence? Why did European nations create them in China?
When a nation imperializes a piece of a nation. To get cheap natural resources and special trading rights.
List 3 reasons why the US wanted to imperialize other countries
1) cheap natural resources 2) military bases 3) new markets and jobs 4) the frontier was closed in the US 5) more power
What is the transcontinental railroad? How did it make life easier in America? Who worked on it?
It connected the east and west coast (Atlantic to the Pacific) and allowed for easier trade and transportation. Chinese and Irish immigrants.
How did the US annex Hawaii? Why did the US want to annex it?
The US overthrew the Hawaiian gov't. US planters wanted access to their sugercane crop and would provide a military base in the Pacific for future imperialism.
What is yellow journalism? Give 2 examples of how yellow journalism caused the Spanish American War.
Yellow journalism- when the media shows a bias view of an event to get a "sensational" reaction 1) Poor treatment of Cubans by Spain- newspaper 2) Spain sunk the Maine- newspaper
Describe the Boxer Rebellion and why it took place.
The Boxer Rebellion was when Chinese citizens rebelled against European powers in China.
How did the White Man's Burden justify imperializing other nations?
It said it was the "duty" of civilized nations to "civilize" and "convert" ignorant peoples.
What is a muckraker? Which muckraker exposed political corruption?
Someone who exposing harmful practices of business and government. Thomas Nast.
What is the Roosevelt Corollary? How did it justify US expansion in Latin America?
It was a document stating that if Latin American nation's gov't was corrupt, unfair, or unvilized the US had the right to step in and help. It gave permission for the US to "help" these people but really imperialize them.
What is the DeLome letter? How did it cause further tensions between the US and Spain?
A letter sent by a Spanish official calling President McKinley weak. It angered US citizens because they were insulting the US President.
How did the US open up trade with Japan?
Commodore Perry went to Japan and requested them to open trade, when they didn't he returned with war ships and Japan agreed.
How does Social Darwinism justify imperialism?
Survival of the fittest. The US not only had to imperialize to survive but needed to help the weaker nations become civilized so they could survive on their own.
What are the 3 branches of government? What are their jobs? How did the framers prevent 1 branch from becoming too powerful?
Judicial- interprets the law Executive- enforces laws Legistaltive- makes laws Checks and Balances