Spanish American War

What is imperialism 

A foreign policy in which nation's rule is extended over other territories and countries


identify 3 reasons for overseas imperialism 

European nations already were imperialist and didn’t want to lose to them 

Gain raw materials and other natural resources 

New markets to sell American goods, especially in China and Japan

Naval bases in the pacific

Coaling stations for ships in the Pacific Ocean 


What nation did Spain have control over? The natives of this island were poorly treated and put into relocation camps. Led to massive sympathy among Americans



Leader of the Rough Riders and eventual president 

Teddy Roosevelt 


Foreign Policy

The way in which one country interacts and handles relations with other countries


identify 3 places the US imperialized in the PACIFIC

American Samoa, Philippines, Midway, Wake Island, Hawaii, Guam, Alaska 


Define yellow journalism and how it impacted the Spanish American War

Journalism that is based upon sensationalism and crude exaggeration. The goal is to spread misinformation and attract readers. Persuaded Americans to go to war with Spain. 


teddy Roosevelt wanted a canal through this country...explain how he was able to get this completed?

Panama! TR used the Big Stick Diplomacy to intimidate the Columbians and strengthen the Panamanians during their revolution. In return, the US was given the Canal Zone


A foreign policy in which the United States does not get involved in world affairs



France, Germany, UK, and other European nations were colonizing this nation...what nation was it and what did they establish in this nation?

These nations established spheres of influence: section of a country in which a foreign nation enjoys special rights and powers


This war ship was sunk...how did it impact the Spanish American War? How did yellow journalism impact this event?

The USS Maine...Heavily persuaded Americans to go to war with Spain even if the event was an accident, newspapers decided to blame the Spanish 


This Amendment signed after the Spanish American War did what tp Cuba?

Made Cuba a protectorate of the US. Allowed the US to have a naval base on the island. Cuba was not able to make treaties. Lastly, allowed the United States to take action in Cuba to preserve order or peace 


". . . Whether they will or no, Americans must now begin to look outward. The growing production of the country demands it. An increasing volume of public sentiment demands it. . . ."

Source:  Alfred T. Mahan, The Atlantic Monthly, December 1890.

This idea best supports...



How did the US respond to the spheres of influence 

The competition for economic influence in China also caused worry in the United States. U.S. government and business leaders feared being left out of the China trade. To protect American interests, Secretary of State John Hay proposed an Open Door policy: It gave each nation rights to trade freely in each other's sphere of influence. 


this regiment created by Teddy Roosevelt helped win the battle of San Juan Hill. What was it called and identify 2 ways this war impacted TR

The Rough Riders

TR won the Medal of Honor (100 years later), Began his political career, became a national icon/celebrity 


This addition to the Monroe Doctrine did what?

The Roosevelt Corollary. Allowed the US to be the "international police power" in the Western Hemisphere and protect American interests


"But today we are raising more than we can consume. Today we are making more than we can use. Today our industrial society is congested; there are more workers than there is work; there is more capital than there is investment. We do not need more money—we need more circulation, more employment. Therefore, we must find new markets for our produce, new occupation for our capital, new work for our labor. . . ." 

Source: Albert J. Beveridge, 1898.

Which reason for imperialism is best exemplified in the passage

If the U.S. intervenes in more territory, it will improve our economy.


This event led to the US and European nations to come to an agreement over Chinese Imperialism. What was this event and how did it impact ALL nations involved?

The Boxer Rebellion in China. An alliance of European nations shut down the Boxer Rebellion. A new open door policy was accepted that respected Chinese independence and fair trade - the US was involved now


Outcome of the Spanish American War - List 3 outcomes 

Spain must give up all claims to Cuba; the United States will maintain peace and protect life and property on the Island.

Spain must give the United States control of Puerto Rico and Guam.

Spain will sell the Philippine Islands to the United States for $20 million.

Spain must release all prisoners of war and all political prisoners in Cuba and the Philippines.

The United States must release all prisoners of war.

Spain and the United States will agree on mutual shipping rights.

Spanish citizens are free to remain on or leave these islands.


Define and explain how TR used Big Stick Diplomacy. Where was this used?

TR used the US navy only when necessary to achieve his imperialistic goals. This was used primarily in Latin America
