What is imperialism?
A policy in which a strong nation seeks to dominate other countries politically, economically, or socially.
What is Nationalism?
A strong feeling of pride in and devotion to one's country.
What leader organized the Berlin Conference?
Otto Von Bismarck
What did it mean when the British referred to India as the “jewel in the crown” of their empire?
It was their most valuable colony
What kind of government did Siam have during the time of New Imperialism?
A monarchy / king
What are 3 types of Imperialist control?
Colony, protectorate, sphere of Influence, direct control, indirect control.
What are the 3 common motives of Imperialism?
Economic, Political, Religious/Racism
What Three Industrial Inventions Made the Conquest of Africa Possible?
Machine Gun
Medicines (like Quinine)
The steamboat/locomotive
What was the name of the Indian soldiers who made up the East India Trading Company Army?
How did the Siamese use technology to resist Imperiaism?
They made maps and their military stronger
How is the Ukraine/Russian Conflict an example of Imperialism today?
Using their stronger military to take land that is not there's to take.
What was the purpose of the Berlin Conference?
To prevent going to war/to divide Africa up among European powers.
Who was not invited to the Berlin Conference?
African leaders.
What is something positive that came out of Britain's influence on India?
More industrialization. (Railroads, telegraph lines, canals, roads)
Aside from new technology, Siam developed this to resist Imperialism.
An official language, schooling system, strong government
How did the Industrial Revolution lead to Imperialism?
European powers want/need more resources/raw materials.
What was the belief that colonizers had called when they thought they needed to "civilize" the inhabitants of their colonies?
The White Man's Burden.
Name 3+ countries that attended the Berlin Conference
Belgium, France, Great Britain, Germany, Spain, Italy, and Portugal
Who Controlled India before the Sepoy Mutiny?
British East India Company!
How did the United States obtain the Philippines as a new territory?
They "won" the Spanish American War.
One similarity between the Sepoy Rebellion in India and the Boxer Rebellion in China is that they both were:
Both attempts to end foreign influence.
What is an example of American Imperialism?
Taking Native American Land
What was the lasting effect on African countries after the Scramble for Africa?
Resources Stolen
People and language groups split apart.
Lack of self governance
Why did the Sepoy Mutiny begin?
Discrimination for their religious beliefs. (Beef fat for Hindus, Pork fat for Muslims)
Outside of Europe, what country imperialized areas of South East Asia?