Define Imperialism
The policy in which stronger nations extend their economic, political or military control over weaker territories.
The Secretary of State who orchestrated the purchase of Alaska; was blasted by the press initially for this purchase.
Henry Seward
Wilson was forced to abandon his efforts in Mexico because this event required his attention. What was the event?
World War 1
#1 on the map
Why did the US have an easy victory in War with Spain
The US had a better Navy
Name the term: Nationalists who desire a strong, foreign policy which was encapsulated by a willingness to go to war.
The Queen of Hawaii who took over after the king died, declared a "Hawaii for Hawaiians" Agenda
Queen Liliuokalani
These two countries attempted to imperialism Manchuria, causing a war to break out between the two. What were these countries?
Japan and Russia
#18 on the map
Many US business men moved to Hawaii during this time, because the US had a business deal with the Hawaii. What was this deal?
Marketing Sugar was tax free
This stated that Europe must stay out of the Western hemisphere
Monroe Doctrine
The two publishers that pushed for America to go to war with Spain
Hearst and Pulitzer
This is considered Theodore Roosevelt most impressive foreign policy.
Great White fleet
#4 on the map
El Salvador
What resources did the US discover Alaska had after its purchases?
Timber, Minerals and oil.
America cancelled this after the Spanish - American War, and made Cuba a protectorate
Teller Amendment
This person led the Cuban revolution
Jose Marti
What 2 events pushed American into war with Spain?
De Lome letter and the U.S.S maine.
#19 on the map
The Philippines
A group of Americans who loved war and signed up
Rough Riders
This agreement granted the US the ability to purchase the canal and then pay a monthly rent to control it every year
Hay-Bunau-Varilla Treaty
George Dewey made a deal with this leader to not annex The Philippines
Emilio Aguinaldo
This was Chinese Nationalists who attempted to oust foreign influence but was forcefully put down by foreign military
Boxer Rebellion
#6 on the Map
Three main groups in America that supported imperialism
Businessmen, missionaries, and imperialists