What is imperialism?
A policy in which a strong nation seeks to dominate other countries politically, economically, or socially
In 1905, Japan gained respect as a major power after it
fought and won a war against Russia.
How did most groups of people in Africa react towards imperialism?
They resisted foreign control and influence and tried to rebel.
As early as the 1500s, European countries began to establish trading posts in India. By the 1800s, most of India was controlled by the British East India Company, which was a trade company. How did the indigenous people of India react to the European imperialism?
The people led several revolutions against foreign rule.
Why did the Sepoy Rebellion mark a turning point in Indian history?
The British government took direct control of India after this
Which two European countries owned and controlled the most land in Africa?
Great Britain and France
What was the purpose of the Berlin Conference of 1884, when European countries divided Africa amongst themselves?
To avoid wars and conflicts with each other.
How did the Industrial Revolution contribute to the rise of imperialism?
European nations were able to industrialize, which required a need for more raw materials to continue mass producing goods.
Who fought in the Opium War?
Britain and China
In 1914, what were the only two independent countries in Africa?
Ethiopia and Liberia
Why did the Sepoys rebel?
Religious differences: the British were insensitive to their culture.
Define Colony and give an example of one
a country or territory governed internally by a foreign power
What is colonialism?
A system where one country establishes control over another country or territory.
What was the significance of the Panama Canal?
Connected the Atlantic and Pacific without having to go around South America; reduced travel time, promoted trade
What is this quote implying? - "The sun never sets on the British Empire."
Great Britain owned so many colonies around the world that the sun was always shining on British soil.
What were the two imperial control methods?
Indirect Control
Direct Control
What are the Zulu War in Africa and the Boxer Rebellion in China examples of?
People resisting imperialism and foreign rule.
Name TWO of China’s responses to Western influence
Remained committed to traditional values
lost numerous territorial conflicts
opposed Western imperialism but granted other nations sphere of influence within China
initially resisted change but finally excepted necessity for reform
What was a result of the Spanish-American War (War of 1898)?
The US gained several territories/acquistions and rose up as a world power.
Name TWO of Japan’s responses to Western influence
Considered modernization to be necessary
initially resisted change but borrowed and adapted Western ways
strengthened its economic and military power
became an empire builder and imperialist power itself
Which was a POSITIVE effect of British rule in India?
The British built roads, schools, and hospitals.
Give 1characteristics of Indirect Control
local government officials were used
limited self-rule
government institutions are based on European styles but may have local rule
Give 1 characteristics of Direct Control
foreign officials brought in to rule
no self-rule
government institutions are based only on European styles (no local rule)
Why were European countries interested in taking over Africa?
They wanted to gain raw materials and new markets to sell manufactured goods.
In 1875, Egypt sold its shares of the Suez Canal to pay off debts. Which country bought the shares?
Great Britian