Who were the leading powers for Imperialism in the 19th century?
Britain, France and Germany
What was the name of 14 different European countries claiming land in Africa?
Scramble for Africa
This resulted in two wars between China and Britain over the right to trade
The Opium Wars
This was the parent country in India
What were the four goals and motives for colonization/imperialism?
1. Communist Theory
2. Markets and Raw Materials
3. Civilizing Mission
4. Military and Political Reasons
Who were the leading powers for global imperialism in the 16th and 17th century?
Spain, Portugal, France, and Britain
Who was the leader of Belgium involved in the Congo?
King Leopold II
This was between Russia and Japan over Korea and Manchuria
The Russo-Japanese War
This was the parent country in Hawaii
The United States
What religion was mostly spread with western imperialism?
What waterway in North Africa did European countries want control of for more efficient travel and shipping?
The Suez Canal
This was a rebellion by Indian soldiers towards The British East India Company
The Sepoy Mutiny/Rebellion
This was the parent country in the Congo
This type of rule would have an administrator from the parent country watching over the colonized country to make sure everything is run properly
Direct Rule/Direct Imperialism
Which war involved British troops invading the Zululand in 1872?
The Zulu Wars
This is where the Chinese were anti-foreign and anti-Christian
The Boxer Rebellion
This parent country controlled most of the countries in West Africa
This type of ruling is when it does through local government that reports back to the parent country
Indirect Rule/Protectorate/Indirect Imperialism
This war involved The Dutch and British fighting over land in South Africa
The Boer Wars
This was led by Emilio Aguinaldo
The Philippine Insurrection
These two countries fought for control of South Africa
The Dutch and Britain