16 American battleships, painted white, and sent around the world to display America's power
What is the Great White Fleet?
A conflict between the United States and Spain, in which the United States supported Cuba's fight for freedom
A ship canal in Panama built by the United States
What is the Panama Canal?
A national policy of avoiding involvement in world affairs
What is isolationism?
Journalism that exaggerates news to create sensations and attract readers
What is yellow journalism?
Foreign policy proposed by President Wilson to condemn imperialism, spread democracy, and promote peace
What is moral diplomacy?
A policy that calls for expanding a nation's boundaries
What is expansionism?
This ship was sunk off the coast of Cuba and this became an excuse for U.S. to fight Spain
What is the Battleship Maine?
Foreign policy created under President Taft that had the U.S. exchanging financial support ($) for the right to "help" countries make decisions about trade and other commercial ventures.
What is dollar diplomacy?
What American's called Alaska after William Seward purchased it from Russia for 7 million dollars
What is Seward's Folly?
The United States gained these places after they won the Spanish-American war
What is Guam, Puerto Rico, and the Phillipines?
The war when Wilson refused to recognize the military dictatorship of General Victoriano Huerta, who had seized power in Mexico in 1913 by arranging to assassinate the democratically elected president.
What is the Mexican Civil War?
more control, power, trade, money, expansion, and spreading democracy
What are the reasons for imperialism?
The amendment allowed the United States to intervene in Cuba and gave them control of the naval base at Guantanamo Bay
What is the Platt Amendment?
A famous quote by Theodore Roosevelt
What is “Speak softly and carry a big stick, and you will go far?”