In which years take place the imperialism period?
Where was the conference in 1888?
In Berlin
What positive improvements did imperialism bring in infrastructure and health?
Improvements in roads, hospitals, and health, but only for the elites.
What impact did the imposition of Western culture have on indigenous cultures?
It suppressed indigenous languages and traditions, eroding local cultures.
How were called the colonies that were colonised for their raw materials?
Exploitation colonies
Who governed the setter colonies?
The white minority
How did imperialism contribute to the tensions that led to World War I?
Competition for territories and resources increased rivalries among European powers.
Why did people emigrate during the industrialization?
Because of the umployement/Because workers were replaced by machines
What happened in 1898?
The Fashoda Incident
How did the economic systems of imperialism benefit the colonizers?
They exploited local resources for their own benefit, keeping locals in poverty.
In which year started the Boe War?
In 1899
How was called one of the racist ideologies of nationalism?
White supremacy
How did the division of territories affect the stability of independent countries?
It created unstable borders and weak governments, causing internal conflicts.