Adults sleeping in this position is said to aid digestion.
Sleeping on your stomach
If it takes you less than 5 minutes to fall asleep when you go to bed at night it means you are sleep deprived. True or False
True - It takes the average person 10-15 minutes to fall asleep. This means you are tired enough to sleep deeply, but not so exhausted you feel tired the next day.
People sleep better in cooler rooms. True or False
True: Hot temperatures at night contribute to feeling restlessness and cranky
Noises at night can affect the immune system, even if the person sleeping doesn't wake up.
True - unfamiliar noises during the first and the last two hours of sleep has the greatest disruption on the sleep cycle.
How many hours of sleep does a toddler need?
11-14 hours per day
How many times does one change their sleep position during the night?
10-30 times
Sea Otters hold hands when they sleep. True or False
True: so they don't drift away from each other
Insomnia is a normal part of grieving. True or False?
True: If a grieving person is given sleeping pills, it can disrupt the natural process of grieving.
True or False?
Lack of sleep could kill you
What age group does the melatonin release later in the evening. Go to bed late, get up late.
This position is the best position for your health.
Back: it allows for a neutral position of back neck and spine.
What is one of the biggest sleep distractions.
24 hour internet access
Exercise before bed can keep you awake. True or False
True: while regular exercise helps you get better sleep, strenuous exercise before bed will make it hard to fall asleep.
What happens in the body when you sleep?
The brain recharges itself, cells repair themselves and the body releases important hormones.
How many hours of sleep do new parents have during the first year of their babies life?
400-750 lost hours of sleep. The equivalent of 3 months. This is why it is important to nap when baby has naps for 30 minutes or more.
Pregnant women are encouraged to sleep in this position especially in later pregnancy.
Side position. Risk of still born is doubled when sleeping on backs late in pregnancy.
What is the average amount of sleep needed to function effectively throughout the day?
7 hours
What affects your circadian rhythm?
Cell phones, tv, computers. Putting it away 30 minutes before bed will help.
The natural light and dark cycle of the day helps with melatonin and serotonin.
What can happen when you get less than 7 hours of sleep at night?
You are more likely to be angry, sad and stressed.
How many hours of sleep should kids your age get in order to function properly?
10 hours
People with heartburn will find sleeping in this position better.
Left side sleeping will reduce the burn.
What mammal sleeps the most?
The Koala bear sleeps 22 hours a day.
What happens to children who don't get enough sleep?
They become hyperactive and parents will think they have ADHD.
You can go for 60 days without eating, but only how many days without sleeping?
11 days.
What is the best predictor of insomnia later in life?
A child that has disturbed sleep will go on to develop bad sleeping habits which will later turn into insomnia.