What is a good amount of sleep for teens?
8-10 hours
Name one goal to improve sleep habits.
Avoid screen time, make a sleep schedule, etc
What happens during Stage 1 of sleep?
your body starts to slow down, with a decrease in muscle activity, eye movement, and brain waves, making it very easy to wake up as you are in a light sleep state
What is one effect of not getting enough sleep?
You might have trouble learning, focusing, and reacting.
How does sleep affect learning?
Getting enough high-quality sleep helps students focus, think clearly, and perform well academically. Helps store memories and things you have learned.
Why is quality sleep important?
Sleep allows the body to rest and gain energy, make better decisions, boost the immune system to fight off diseases, and grow healthy muscles, bones, hair & skin.
How can dimming lights help with sleep?
It tells your brain it is time for bed
Describe what occurs in Stage 2 of sleep.
the body enters a more relaxed state with a slowing heart rate and breathing, a drop in body temperature, and minimal to no eye movement
Name two symptoms of sleep deprivation.
poor concentration, reduced reaction times and altered mood
Why is REM sleep important for learning?
REM sleep is crucial for learning because it actively helps the brain store and process new information
What are the benefits of getting enough sleep?
Reduced risk of chronic diseases, Improved immune function, Improved mood and emotional well-being, Reduced stress levels, Increased alertness and focus
What is one thing to avoid before bed?
screens, heavy or spicy foods
What happens in Stage 3 of sleep?
How does lack of sleep affect your mood?
Sleep deprivation can significantly impact your mood, making you feel irritable, angry, and depressed. It can also make it harder to cope with stress.
How does sleep impact memory?
Sleep helps strengthen neural connections in the brain, which makes memories more stable
What is the relationship between sleep and decision-making?
the less sleep you get, the poorer your decision-making abilities become
How can a cool room help with sleep?
as your body naturally cools down before sleep, a lower room temperature signals to your body that it's time to sleep
What occurs during REM sleep?
What are the long-term effects of chronic sleep deprivation?
Increased risk of:
How does sleep influence physical performance?
During sleep your muscles and bones grow and recover
What is the impact of technology on sleep quality?
Technology negatively impacts sleep quality in children and adults. This can be due to the blue light from screens, which can delay melatonin secretion and disrupt circadian rhythm
What is a perfect bedtime routine?
establishing a consistent sleep schedule, winding down with relaxing activities like a warm bath or reading, avoiding screens and stimulants close to bedtime, creating a comfortable sleep environment, and practicing stress-reducing techniques like deep breathing or meditation, all while aiming to go to bed and wake up at the same time each day
Rapid Eye Movement
What are potential health issues caused by lack of sleep?
dementia, heart disease, type 2 diabetes, obesity and even cancers
How does sleep affect emotional regulation?