Social Skills

Which of the following is NOT a part of communicating with others?

Actively listening, talking, only listening to respond, nonverbals.

Only listening to respond

What is the difference between making suggestions and making demands?

Making suggestions: Being polite, being approachable, being kind, talking with respect

Making demands: not using respectful language, not using manners


List the steps to managing anger (general idea)

1. Stop what you are doing

2. Take a deep breath and count to 10

3. Walk away

4. Count to 10 again until you are calm


How many seconds are you supposed to wash your hands?

15 seconds, 20 seconds, 25 seconds, or 30 seconds?

20 seconds! 


What is Ms. Emily's favorite drink?

Coca Cola!


What does the word slang mean??

a type of language that consists of words and phrases that are very informal and are more common in speech than writing.


What does it mean to be "approachable"?

being friendly and easy to talk to


An unpleasant emotion caused by being aware of danger.



How many hours of sleep should a teenager get each night to be fully rested?

9 to 9.5 hours of sleep a night!

The average amount of sleep that teenagers get is between 7 and 7 ¼ hours. However, they need between 9 and 9 ½ hours (studies show that most teenagers need exactly 9 ¼ hours of sleep). Teenagers do not get enough sleep for a number of reasons, including shift in sleep schedule.

Which of the following staff member has kids?

Ms. Emily, Ms. Katelyn, Ms. Adrienne, Ms. Nicole, Ms. Melanie?

Ms. Melanie!


What form of communication can be seen but not heard?

Sign language


True or false: respecting someone's boundaries only includes their physical boundaries (not touching them).

FALSE!! Respecting boundaries of others often includes other personal boundaries like not asking personal questions, not staring at others, not touching other's belongings without asking, and getting too close without touching.


Feeling responsible for doing something wrong. Suffering from doing something wrong and recognizing it.



True or false: Bacteria can collect and grow in the spaces between your toes.

TRUE! It is very important to dry your feet thoroughly to keep bacteria from developing from your feet staying wet/moist! EW


What is Ms. Katelyn's cat's name?



Part of using respectful language when communicating involves your tone of voice and volume. Give an example of asking someone to leave you alone using respectful tone and volume compares to NOT using respectful tone and volume.

Respectful: No yelling, respectful words, polite: please and thank you.

Not respectful: yelling, using curse words, irritated tone of voice.


What social skills would help you when applying for a job?

Being polite, not talking in slang, understanding how to ask questions, being approachable


Is there a healthy way to express anger? Yes or no? Provide an example. 

Yes! It is healthy to express your emotions, even anger! It is not healthy to bottle up negative emotions. A healthy way to express anger could include: Expressing feelings in appropriate words, practice relaxing, writing out why you are upset, exert physical energy, ask to talk to someone you trust, know when you need help. 

TRUE or FALSE: you have to be near or close to someone who has the flu/a cold/virus to get it!

FALSE: In general, people with the flu can give it to anyone within about 6 feet. (Keep that in mind the next time you’re on a bus or a train and someone is coughing and sneezing.) The flu usually spreads when a sick person coughs, sneezes, or talks. Droplets of saliva and mucus can travel to your nose or mouth. You can also get the flu or other illnesses by touching something like a door handle or a phone with the virus on it. 


Name one staff member that used to be here but has recently gotten a new job.

Ms. Anna, Ms. Sidney, Ms. Shelby


What is the difference between verbal and nonverbal communication? Give an example of each.

Verbal communication is the use of words to share information with others. This usually refers to spoken words between people. 

Nonverbal communication is communication without the use of spoken language. Nonverbal communication includes gestures, facial expressions, and body positions. 


What does the word EMPATHY mean?

The ability to understand and share the feelings of another. The ability to recognize emotions and to share perspectives with other people. 


Name a physical feeling you may get with each of the following emotions:

Sad, mad, fearful, excited

Sad: sinking feeling in your stomach

Mad: Hot face, sweating, 

Fearful: Hot face, sweating, stomach hurting/feeling sick, out of breath

Excited: butterflies in your stomach, heart racing


How often does your outer layer of skin replace itself? (HINT: It is more than 10 days, but less than 40!)

Your outer later of skin replaces itself every 27 days. Taking a bath or shower every day helps remove that dead skin. And it washes away the oil and sweat that your body produces. 


Name 2 things that might make you MORE upset that a staff member has done/might do when you are already angry. 

Name 3 ways that staff have helped you since you have been in program.

Personal Opinion
