Name one way to get a person's attention
Tap them on the shoulder
How many times should you brush your teeth each day?
Name one way to let friends know you care
Say "good morning" or smile
The name of our school is
Excelsior Elementary
12:00PM is in the middle of the school day. This time is also known as _________
True or False: It's okay to blurt answers out in class
You should do this after you use the bathroom
Wash your hands
Will friends want to sit near you if you kick or hit?
The one male teacher in our program is
Mr. Jack
What month comes after November?
There's something interesting in my desk. It's okay for me to get it out, even in the middle of a lesson.
Don't just get food in the lunch line! Make sure to take one of these to keep your hands and face clean.
A napkin
Who's in charge of picking play activities at recess? You, friends, or both?
Both! Good friends take turns.
We have three students in 3rd grade. They are
Kaia, Francis, Gabi
How can you let friends know you are talking to them.
Look at their face!
I don't want your cough germs! Make sure to cough into your ________!
Answer honestly, saying how you feel, then ask, "How are you?" Show that you are interested in your friend.
2 students are in 5th grade. Who are they?
Chloe and Owen
Which number is greater? 36 or 17
Use words, not _________.
Use a Kleenex
Do friends notice your behavior?
Yes! They see green and red choices.
Who is the best teacher on the planet?
Kelly, of course!
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