What type of gas do we breathe?
Who teaches us art?
Mrs. Angelly Ponce
Who won the last Copa America 2021?
Argentina of Lionel Messi.
Who is the protagonist of naruto?
Capital of Peru?
Tell me three mammals.
Who painted the Monalisa?
Leonardo Da Vinci.
Who is the maximus scorer in the world?
Cristiano Ronaldo
Best anime
Pokemon and One piece
Biggest country.
What is the biggest planet in our solar system?
Are we pieces of art?
Yes, but in an abstract way.
Who is the country with more world cups?
What is manga?
Manga is the term given to Japanese comic books and graphic novels
Smallest country
The Baticano.
Of what material or component is made the rings of Saturn?
The ring particles are made almost entirely of water ice, with a trace component of rocky material.
When is Picasso's birthday?
25 of October, 1881.
Who is the country with more losted finals?
What was the team of ash when he lost the pokemon ligue in kalos.
Pikachu, greninja, goodra, hawlucha, talonflame, noivern
Gentile of Poland.
What effect does the pH of water have on radish seed germination?
This shows that radish seed can germinate very well in almost all PH levels.
When was the first abstract artwork?
The first abstract painting in the history of art, a work made in 1911.
In what years was mexico local in the world cups?
1970 and 1986
What percentage of stuffed does naruto have?
Of What color is the red circle in the Chinese flag?
It doesn't have a red circle.