
In the book 1984, Winston the protagonist writes in his forbidden diary in a room above Mr. Charrington’s shop, where he believes he’s safe from surveillance. What is the symbolic object in that room that represents Winston’s desire for privacy and connection to the past, and is later destroyed during his capture?

What is the glass paperweight?


In group theory, this is the term for a group whose order is a prime power, meaning the number of elements in the group is a power of a prime number.

What is a p-group?


This hypothesis, which proposes that the universe underwent a period of extremely rapid expansion in the first few moments after the Big Bang, was first proposed by Alan Guth in 1981.

What is cosmic inflation?


At the 2008 Wimbledon final, Rafael Nadal defeated Roger Federer in a five-set thriller, with Nadal winning 9-7 in the final set. How many total games were played in that epic match?

What is 77 games?


On March 23, 1781, a small battle took place during the American Revolutionary War in North Carolina. The battle was insignificant and no one really cares about it, but it marked the end of the British strategy to reclaim the state. What was the name of the battle?

What is the Battle of Guilford Courthouse?


In Chapter 12 of To Kill a Mockingbird, Calpurnia takes Scout and Jem to church. What specific item does Calpurnia reprimand Scout for wearing when they arrive at church?

What is her overalls?


This is the cardinality of the set of real numbers, also known as the continuum, and is strictly larger than the cardinality of the set of natural numbers.  

What is c (the cardinality of the continuum)?


This term refers to a class of enzymes that catalyze the transfer of phosphate groups from high-energy molecules, such as ATP, to specific substrates, and plays a central role in cellular signal transduction.

What is a kinase?


In 1998, Mark McGwire and Sammy Sosa both had historic home run seasons. McGwire finished the season with 70 home runs, but how many home runs did Sammy Sosa hit that same season?

What is 66 home runs?


On July 3, 1909, a little-known boy named Elmer Jones, aged 9, became the first child in a small Ohio town to receive an official school expulsion for "excessive imagination" and disrupting class. What was the name of the school he attended?

What is Pine Valley Elementary?


In The Odyssey, during Book 9, Odysseus and his men encounter Polyphemus, the Cyclops. What specific object do they use to blind Polyphemus and escape from his cave?

What is a sharpened wooden stake?


This mathematician, who contributed to the development of calculus, was the first to use the notation for the derivative and integral, and is also known for his work on the foundations of geometry and infinitesimal analysis.

Who is Gottfried Wilhelm Leibniz


This law of thermodynamics, often associated with Rudolf Clausius, states that the total entropy of an isolated system always increases over time, which explains the direction of natural processes like heat flow.

What is the Second Law of Thermodynamics?


In the 1968 Summer Olympics, this American athlete set a world record in the long jump at 8.90 meters, a record that stood for 23 years. Who is this athlete?

What is Bob Beamon


In 1876 September 5th a boy rode his bike to school. At school he learned about the history of France, this kid was inspired and ate a baguette when he came home, saying he was full. This kid grew up to be a factory worker and died at the age of 43. What was the name of his bike

What is trick question he didn't name his bike


In the book Harry Potter, there is a cat named Mrs. Norris. What sound does Mrs. Norris make?

What is Meow


The sign + is used to add numbers together what is the process of adding called?

What is addition


This large body of water covers about 71% of the Earth's surface.

What is the ocean


What sport is played with a round soccer ball that you kick into a net?

What is soccer


What ancient civilization built the Great Wall of China?

What is China


In the book The Lord of the Rings the fellowship of the rings, Frodo looks up at the sky. What color is the sky

What is Blue


2+2=4 and 4=2+2 

This is called the Transitive property. Using the Transitive property finish the equation.

If 1056=394+662 what does 394+662= ?

What is 1056


Albert Einstein created the Theory of Relativity. The theory of relativity is a theory of physics that states that space and time are relative, and that the speed of light is constant, Who created this theory

What is Albert Einstein


What do you do when you run in a race?

What is run?


The Berlin Wall was a barrier that separated East and West Berlin from 1961 to 1989. It was a symbol of the Cold War and the ideological division of the world. What city is the Berlin wall located?

What is Berlin
