What is Second City?
What is
A Chicago based Theatre company that specializes in Improv Skits annd Comedy
What is the title of the game where two volunteers must sit and make observations about a strange character offstage
What is
Here Comes Charley
What is the name of our finger puppet that loves to shush people?
Who is
What is the #1 Rule of Improv?
What is
Who is Viola Spolin?
Who is
An acting and improv teacher who created the improv games we play today
This game involves two chairs onstage and the audience giving a location
What is
Where are these chairs?
You have time at the beginning of class to finish your journal, get settled, park your phone, etc. How many minutes are on the timer at the beginning of class?
What is
5 minutes
What is a rule in improv and ALSO a rule in our classroom?
What is
Make each other look good
Italian Renaissance Street Performers
What is
Commedia Dell'Arte
This game involves 5 players. 1 is a boss, 3 are coworkers, and 1 is the late employee. The audience comes up with a home issue, a natural disaster, and a celebrity.
What is
Why were you late?
What is Miss Patterson's Favorite Color?
What is
What improv rule covers physical comedy (aka falling for a laugh)?
What is
Avoid excessive physicality
(Go STRAIGHT to the answer)
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This game involves taking random items and making up different ways to use them onstage
What is
How much does the MIDDLE row on the Prize Cart cost?
What is
5 Gotchas/Kudos
Fake it til you make it
What is
Absolute Commitment
What is the name of the famous Improv Show that we have watched examples of in class?
What is
Whose Line is it Anyway?
This Improv Game involves a host and 3 guests. The 3 quests each have a hidden special thing about them: 1 is obsessed with something, 1 is a celebrity, and 1 has a physical quirk
What is
Party Quirks
What is the title of the book that Miss Patterson gets some of her Improv Games from?
What is
Theatre Games for the Classroom by Viola Spolin
This rule involves staying away from making choices that could offend people
What is
Play to the top of your intelligence