Coping Corner
Strategies for Success
Positive or Negative?
What's the Consequence?

A sudden, strong urge or desire to do something.



Name one healthy coping skill.

 Taking a deep breath


Replacement is the act of substituting negative thoughts with positive thoughts immediately. Give us an example of a Replacement thought.

Example: I won't know anyone at the party so I won't have anyone to talk to. Replacement: I'll meet a lot of new people at the party to talk to. This is an opportunity to meet a new friend.


“I’m going to make a fool of myself if I participate in group activities" is this a positive or negative thought?



Your coach yells at you for being late. What are the consequences if you decide to yell back at coach?

Sit you out of game, give you extra work to do, kick you off team. 


The ability to stop and think before doing something, especially controlling wants and desires. 

Impulse Control


Name two healthy coping skills.

 Taking a deep breath, going for a walk 


 A Positive Affirmation is a statement or slogan repeated frequently. Sentences you repeat to yourself to help change negative thoughts into positive thoughts. Give us an example of a Positive Affirmation.

Examples: I can do this! I am doing the best that I can! I am enough!


"I will get through this. I am strong and I can ask for help." Is this a positive or negative thought?



You are about to eat dinner when you see a big slice of cake on the counter. What are the consequences to eating the cake before dinner?

You may lose your appetite for dinner. The people you are eating with may feel angry with you. Your body won't get the nutrients it needs. 


What is it called when you do something to calm down, especially when you're in a difficult situation? Examples include: going for a walk, talking to a friend, taking a deep breath.

Healthy Coping Skills


Name three healthy coping skills.

Examples: Taking a deep breath, going for a walk, taking a drink of water


Refuse to Stop at Failure. Failure is an opportunity to learn and grow, but it's important to get back up and try again. Give us an example of how you can Refuse to Stop at Failure.

Example: You do not make the school baseketball team. Refuse to stop at failure! Practice your basketball skills and try again next year.


A mental attitude in which you expect good and favorable results. Positive or Negative thinking?

Positive Thinking.


You are in a social group and someone is talking. You suddenly remember something you want to share, as well. What are the consequences to interrupting the person?

The person speaking may become angry with you. The group may not listen to what you have to say because you interrupted. Someone may interrupt you.


The ability to resist a temptation for an immediate reward and wait for a later (often better) reward.

Delayed Gratification


Name five healthy coping skills.

Taking a deep breath, going for a walk, taking a drink of water, counting to 10, talking to a friend/family member.


Thankfulness can help you maintain a positive attitude. Name one thing you are thankful for.

Examples: Family, Health, Friends, Food, Pet, Music, Beautiful Spring Flowers.


“I need Sasha to like me or I can't be happy and I'll never have any friends."

This is a negative thought. Turn this into a positive thought!

Examples: "I can be happy without someone else's approval." "I am a good person and I can make other friends." "I am good enough." "Everyone doesn't have to like me and I am okay with that."


Your mom just reminded you to brush your teeth for the second time, and she is getting angry. You decide to say "okay" and brush your teeth. What are the consequences?

Your mom will be happy. Your teeth will be clean. You will avoid an argument with your mom. 


Yelling, Throwing Things, Name Calling, and Hitting are all examples of what type of coping skill?

Unhealthy Coping Skill


What is an example of an UNHEALTHY coping skill?

Not accepting any feeling you may have

(especially a negative feeling like anger, sadness or frustration)


Everybody has impulses. It is not bad to have impulses. What is the important thing to remember to do when you do have impulses?

Use Impulse Control! Stop and think before you act.

Give an example of a time when you had a negative thought after something happened. 

Example: ???

Now change it to a positive thought.

Here is an example:

Negative: I accidentally slept in today and missed my meeting. Everyone is going to be mad at me!

Positive: This is an opportunity for me to apologize to my team. I know that I can go to bed earlier so that I am well rested for next time!


You are feeling upset about something you saw on T.V. You decide to talk to your parents about it. What are the consequences?

Your parents will be happy you are sharing. You may feel better. Your parents will help you. 
