Using impulse control
NOT using impulse control
There's snack on the table in the classroom. 

Stop and Think!

I can ask my teacher for a snack / I can sit at my desk and ask when it is time for lunch / I can stay in my area and raise my hand to ask about snack


There's snack on the table in the classroom. 

I grab some without asking / I get up from my desk, open the snack, and eat it / While my teacher is talking, I walk over and grab snack


What is one calming technique that can be used with Impulse Control?

Deep Breathing, Positive Self-Talk, Counting to 10, Write it down


How can you practice self-control if you know someone is trying to pick a fight? 



You have a question for your teacher.

Raise my hand quietly and calmly / Wait for my teacher to come to my desk to ask my question / Say "excuse me" and wait for my teacher to respond


You have a question for your teacher. 

Blurt out and ask your question / Walk up to the teacher's desk and ask your question / Wave your hand and stand up to get your teacher's attention


Talk about an example of a time that you used Impulse Control-Include what you wanted to do (the impulse) and what you actually did.



You and your friend are in PE having fun. Your friend pushes you hard when kidding around. How could you show self-control?



Someone knocks on the door and you want to answer the door. 

Raise your hand and wait to be called on to ask to open the door / Sit quietly and continue working / Stay in your area and wait for your teacher to get the door


Someone knocks on the door and you want to answer it. 

Get up out of your seat and answer the door / Blurt out and yell to your teacher you want to answer the door / Blurt out that someone is at the door


What is a situation you witnessed where someone lost control and how did it turn out? 



What are ways we practice self control in the classroom? 

stay quiet when we want to blurt out, walk away, take a break over saying negative comments, remaining calm, focusing on our work, write it down


You hear your teacher talking about something you know and like. 

You continue working quietly / You raise your hand to ask if you can say something / You remember your comment and wait until you finish your work to ask your teacher if you can share your comment


You hear your teacher talking about something you know and like. 

You blurt out that you know what your teacher is talking about / You walk out of your area to talk to your teacher / You stop working and wave your hand at your teacher to try to tell her what you know


Your coach yells at you for being late. What are the consequences if you decide to yell back at the coach?

Sit you out of the game, give you extra work to do, kick you off the team, etc. 


You and your friend are having a disagreement.

letting your opinion be heard without becoming aggressive or using threatening/blaming language. 


Zoe interrupts a teacher during a lesson to share what she knows about the lesson and you know her answer is incorrect.

Wait to see what the teacher says about her answer/raise your hand to give your answer.


It's time for free time and you get to pick out toys to play with. 

Run out of my seat and grab toys before anyone else / Shout out which toys I want / Push peers out of the way to get the toy I want


What can you say to yourself to control your impulses?

stop and think about this What is a good choice here? If I do this, will I get in trouble?


You're getting frustrated with your parents, what should you do?

Count to ten and then talk to them, use assertive communication ( I statements) when talking to them, write it down. 
