What is one way to stop yourself before blurting out in class?
Take a deep breath and count to five before speaking
What should you do if you make a mistake on a test?
Learn from it, ask for help, and try again next time.
What can you do before you react when something upsets you?
Take deep breaths, count to 10, or walk away.
You’re about to yell out the answer in class. What should you do instead?
Raise my hand and wait to be called on.
What is self-reflection?
Thinking about my actions and how they affect me and others.
Why is it important to pause before making a decision?
So you have time to think and make a better choice.
How can you turn a bad decision into a learning experience?
Think about what went wrong and how to do better next time.
What is a "brain break," and why is it helpful?
A short break to reset your focus and prevent impulsive actions.
Your friend takes the last cookie, and you feel mad. What’s a good response?
Take a deep breath and talk to them calmly.
Why is it important to notice your emotions before reacting?
So you can choose how to respond instead of reacting impulsively.
What is the "Stop and Think" strategy?
A way to pause, think about the outcome, and then act.
What should you say to a friend if you hurt their feelings?
"I’m sorry. I didn’t mean to hurt you. How can I make it better?"
Name two things you can do to calm down when feeling frustrated.
Take deep breaths, squeeze a stress ball, or write in a journal.
You lost a game, and you want to throw the controller. What should you do?
Walk away, take a deep breath, or ask for a rematch.
What are two signs that you might be about to make an impulsive choice?
Feeling rushed, heart racing, or wanting to act quickly.
What are three things you can do if you feel like interrupting someone?
Raise your hand, wait your turn, or take deep breaths.
Why is it important to take responsibility for your actions?
It helps you grow, earn trust, and learn from your mistakes.
How does having a plan help prevent impulsivity?
It gives you steps to follow instead of acting without thinking.
Your sibling breaks your toy, and you want to scream. What’s a better way to handle it?
Talk about how I feel instead of yelling or hitting.
What is a "self-check," and when should you use it?
A moment to ask myself, "Is this a good choice?" before I act.
Name one situation where acting without thinking could get you in trouble.
Saying something mean to a friend, running across the street without looking, or rushing through homework without checking it.
What is one way to reflect on your day before bedtime?
Think about what went well and what you can improve tomorrow.
What is a "thinking routine," and how can it help with self-control?
A habit of stopping to think before acting, like repeating "Stop, Think, Act" in your head.
You didn’t do well on your homework, and you feel like giving up. What’s a good next step?
Ask for help and try again instead of quitting.
What’s one way you can remind yourself to slow down and think before acting?
Use a visual reminder (like a sticky note) or repeat a phrase like "Stop and Think."