What is the name of one resource/person you can go to if you or a friend have questions about boundaries in relationships?
School Counselor, Teacher, Coach, older sibling, trusted adult, etc.
What is an example of a personal boundary?
Personal space
Not wanting people to touch your stuff
What people say to you
When should you have a conversation with your partner about boundaries?
A. After you have dated for at least 1 month.
B. Very early in the relationship.
C. After a boundary violation has happened.
D. All the above.
D. All of the above
What's one of the most important qualities in a friend?
Your partner wants to eat lunch with you every single day. You have asked them to back off since you enjoy spending time with your friends at lunch. They suggest eating together on Tuesdays/Thursdays and with friends the other days. Is this a boundary violation?
No! Communication is healthy in a relationship.
True or False: Conflict in any type of relationship is the same thing as fighting.
You and your partner have been hanging out for awhile. You regularly hold hands and sit next to each other. You're interested in kissing them. How can you check-in and make sure this won't violate their boundaries?
Have a conversation about it and ask them
You friend keeps blowing up your Snapchat. You are at a family dinner and respond by saying you can't talk right now. Your friend continues to send you a message every few minutes. Is this a boundary violation?