The maximum and minimum number of batters.
What is 15 and 7?
Pitching distance.
What is 45 feet.
Count batters start with.
What is a 1-1 count.
Number of warm up pitches.
What is 2.
Head first sliding rule.
What is the runner may not dive head first into a base unless going back to the base.
The batting order.
What is alternating gender.
Base distance.
What is 60 feet.
(T/F) The batter is out if a line drive is hit within 3 feet of the pitcher.
Result of a dead ball.
What is the baserunner is awarded one base beyond the base they legally occupied.
(T/F) Lead offs are allowed when the pitch is released.
What is false, leads off are not allowed until contact is made with the bat.
Run cap per inning.
What is 7 runs.
The home plate extension is used for.
What is calling balls, strikes, and players touching home plate.
Walking a male batter.
What is the male batter will advance to second base and the following female may be given the option of hitting or receiving an automatic walk.
A defensive player fakes a tag without the ball.
What is obstruction is called, runner is awarded the base.
A player is out when tagging up.
What is leaving the base before the ball is securely caught.
Mercy rule.
What is a team is up by 20 runs after 3 innings, 15 runs after 4 innings, or 10 runs after 5 innings.
Dead ball territory.
What is established by the extended backstop fence (this is an imaginary line extended from the backstop located behind home plate).
After a batter hits two consecutive foul balls.
What is the batter is out.
Commit rule.
What is if a baserunner runs 15ft past 3rd base cone, they have to continue home.
If two runners occupy the same base.
What is the runner who first legally occupied the base shall be entitled to it; the other base runner may be put out by being touched with the ball.
Illegal bats and cleats.
What is any bat that is not ASA approved or wood and metal or screw-in cleats.
*NEW RULE* What happens when a ball is hit over and through the outfield fence flags.
What is if it is hit over, it's a home run. If hit through its ground rule double.
Infield fly rule and result.
What is runners on at least 1st and 2nd, 0 or 1 outs, and a pop fly is hit in the vicinity of the infield. Batter is out, runners can choose to advance or not.
Maximum and minimum pitch heights.
What is 12 and 6 ft.
A batter is struck with a batted ball while standing off the base.
What is the batter is out.