The school was founded in (year)
Who's office is front of Room K
Mr.Halloran's office
mascot of IMS
What time is lunch on Saturdays
Which planet has the most gravity
Who is the founder of the Indian mountain school
( full name )
Francis Riggs
Both West ( upper, lower )
What are the two colors for IMS
Maroon and gray
Name 3 girl dorms
Upper and Lower West, Stockdon
Capital of North Korea
Pyeong Yang
Who is the librarian in IMS
Name 3 offices in the language hallway
Mr. Kayumba, Ms. Toolan, Mr. Gorey, Dr. Erickson, Mrs. Schmitt
name 5 electives in IMS
Coding, model UN, cooking, sewing, open studio art, ukulele, newspaper, yearbook, jeopardy, (more)
Dorm that Ms.Hilton is a dorm parent in
Lower West
What is the song Glinda sang for Elphaba
When was the centennial field built (year)
Full name of MAC
Morehead Athletic center
IMS's 3 core values
Honesty, compassion, and respect
How many students are in stockdon
In what galaxy is our solar system located
Milky Way
Name 4 History teachers in IMS
D'pecchia, Hilton, Charles, Vaughn, Kissel, D'angelo
Which dorm does Ms.Hilton live in
Lower West
What is Mr.Halloran's favorite song
Rather be
Who are the director of the weekend activites ( 2 )
Mr.Litter and Ms.D'angelo
Who was the first woman to win a Nobel Prize (in 1903)
Marie Curie