Which SNAP budget is subject to SAR's?



If a HH is open MG27Y & MG27T and the mother started working, what MA category would this HH likely be?

MG71- Transitional 


Where do you go in ECIS to see notices and renewals sent to clients & households?



A client calls you & wants their MA closed. Can we close them with a verbal statement?

Yes- with a 15 day notice --refer to voluntary withdrawal sheet


On Ex 3, the pay status has the code of "CP" for your client. What does that mean?

Current Pay status. They are actively getting that gross RSDI amount 


A client is eligible for EXFS. How do we make their EBT card? 



Single female is pregnant with her first child. Which FPIG are we using for her MAGI category?

215% FPIG 

Pregnant Woman, children under 1 & family planning 


When doing an EX review for SNAP, what screen is the most important screen to make it to during your data entry?



If a client is open MG91, reports a disability in the past and is now over income for MG91, can we take it upon ourselves to open MAWD for them?

    • For an individual who appears to be eligible for MAWD and who did not apply specifically for MAWD or was not given MAWD information in the COMPASS application, the CAO will contact the individual, explain the program and premium requirement, and obtain their verbal consent prior to authorizing MAWD and narrate that consent was received.

    • For an individual who did apply for MAWD or was already given MAWD information in the COMPASS application, the individual is already aware of the program and its premium requirement.  The CAO does not need to contact the individual prior to authorizing MAWD. 

    • When in doubt as to whether the individual is aware of the MAWD program, the CAO will contact the individual prior to authorizing MAWD.

Which exchange shows if a HH is open in a different state?

Ex 9- Paris Match (interstate match)


If we receive a SNAP application very late in the day and data entry/front loading is not possible. How do we get the EX Review done? 

Scratch Pad- Manually type the narrative 


Name one income type that is excluded for MAGI?

* Workmans Comp

* VA benefits

* Child Support

* Educational assistance not used for living expenses 



*American Indian/ Alaksa Native Income 

Client reports he was quit job known to system. E-fax shows "inactive" and gives a last pay date. He provides paystubs for his new job. How would we correctly data enter/update this information during case processing? Give steps.
1. Finalize the income for old job by adding end date, final pay date, reason for job loss, verification code and then data enter the date/hours/gross wage in the month below while marking that pay as FINAL. 

2. Click add more and data enter all of the info for the new job.

I am a 4 yr old child. I live with my mom.

My moms gross income is $2,400. What category would I likely be open in? Would my mom be eligible for MG91?

MG00C- 1-5 yrs old at or below 157% FPIG

2 person limit for MG00C = $2,675

No- 2 person limit for MG91 is $2,266


Client reports they were approved for UC but haven't gotten any payments & they provide their determination letter. Ex2 does not show any payments yet, can we data enter income based off of the determination letter for prospective budgeting?  





The receipt of the Claim Confirmation letter or Notice of Financial Determination is not confirmation of a paid UC claim.  The UC payment will not be received for at least eight or more weeks after receipt of the Claim Confirmation letter (two weeks until they file their first claim plus four to six weeks before receiving a payment).  Since the initial UC payment date cannot be reasonably anticipated, the CAO will not prospectively budget the income at application.  The CAO will complete the required reimbursement forms for Temporary Assistance for Needy Families (TANF) and inform the applicant of the reporting requirements for TANF, Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP), and Medical Assistance (MA), so they can report the income change once the UC payment is received.

The CAO should set an alert to review the IEVS.  When the UC hit in IEVS exchange 2 is received, this information is considered verified upon receipt for TANF and SNAP.   For MA, the UC match is considered verified upon receipt if it is reasonably compatible.

The CAO should review and adjust the benefits, narrate, and clear the hit. 


A HH of 3 has a gross income of $4,300. They have rent of $1,000 and pay all utilities. Would they be eligible for SNAP?

No, they are over the gross income limit and we cannot give them shelter deductions in this case. 


Where can we see who the assigned caseworker is for a case in ECIS and how do we tell who it is? 

The caseload number on "CP" and by using your Combined Staff List


Mary is open PH80D. Her RSDI increases due to the COLA increase & she is now over income. What type of MA is she likely to transition to?

Buy In. 


You get an EX8 hit that says your client has passed away. Can we close his SNAP with this information?

No, it is not VUR

* You can use death certificate, Newpaper article, online obit, or combination exchanges in addition to the EX8 hit to close.


A client comes into the CAO & says their house burned down and they lost all of their food. They are open SNAP. Can we replace their SNAP? If so, explain the requirements & steps we must take?

*Client must report in 10 days

* Written statement--Date/reason for loss/amount of requested replacement & signature. (PA1896)

* We must verify the misfortune via new paper, news, calling utility company, etc.

* The lost food must have been purchased with SNAP.

* Issue an OTI using reason code 168


How do we file clear for each case after we have processed an application, renewal or SAR?

By clicking on the number of work items blue hyperlink on CP per case


I am a PH95 child who just turned 18 years old & still live with my parents. What category am I going to transition into? 


You receive a quarterly wage hit for a SNAP/MA household & it is not known to the system/clients case. Can we data enter it and use it for benefit determination? Why or why not?

No, it is not VUR nor is it reasonability compatible 
