Labeling an item
This will increase the target behavior.
What is reinforcement?
Child falls to the floor and begins crying every time they are asked to complete a task.
What is escape?
Counting each instance of a behavior.
What is frequency?
This person painted the Mona Lisa
Who is Leonardo da Vinci?
Requesting an item or activity
What is manding?
This will decrease the target behavior.
What is punishment?
The child attempts to look at you while in behavior, engages in repetitive sayings to others or engages in other behaviors in attempts to gain this.
What is attention?
How long a behavior occurs.
What is duration?
Thomas Edison's most famous invention.
What is the lightbulb?
Teaching a skill by breaking it down into smaller steps.
Having too much of an item/not wanting more.
What is satiation?
The child engages in repetitive touching of different body parts, hand flapping or repeats vocal words/sounds.
What is self-stim?
What happens immediately before a behavior.
What is an antecedent?
The first Pixar movie produced.
What is Toy Story? (1995)
Teaching a skill as it would naturally occur in the world.
What is natural environment teaching (NET)?
Not having enough of an item/wanting more.
What is deprivation?
The child attempts to grab an item from peer or engages in maladaptive behaviors when item is removed.
What is tangible?
What happens immediately after a behavior.
What is a consequence.
The world's longest river.
What is the Amazon River?
A child learning a skill that is not directly taught to them.
What is incidental teaching?
Providing reinforcement without requiring the child to do something first.
What is non-contingent reinforcement?
When one behavior can have multiple functions.
What is multiply maintained?
Setting up the environment to prevent a behavior.
What is an antecedent intervention?
The number of bones in the human body.
What is 206?