There are this many TVs in our office.
This is a staple sandwich stop for lunch for some of our team members where they like to use their punch cards to earn free subs!
Jimmy Johns
These are the 4 options of curriculum that Homeschool students could be working in for Science (not grade specific).
Studies Weekly, Mystery Science, Dimensions, Edgenuity
This person is the youngest person on the team.
This is where you can find students’ old AWRs.
Purple files in the top drawer near Marta’s desk.
This frozen lunch food can often be found in our office fridge and is currently there now.
According to William Glasser, these are our 5 basic needs.
Love/Belonging, Fun, Power, Freedom, Survival
This person has the first staff birthday of the year.
These are the rooms in which you can find the TOP kits?
Front office, big classroom
This is the closest restaurant within walking distance of our office.
Thai House
This is the number of Vice Principals that work for GVA schools.
This is Doctor Rosenow’s first name.
This is gardening day.
This is the number of days in a 4 week non-testing month period that we feed kids free food from our lunch program.
This is the year that GVA opened as a Charter School.
This person has several hobbies, but gardening and painting are a couple of their longest standing hobbies.
The office expanded to have the back 3 classrooms in this calendar year.
This type of food can be found on 3 of the 4 corners of the Tully/Staniford intersection.
Mexican food: El Rosal, Javi’s, Marcella’s GVA
These are the five pillars of GVA.
Mastery Learning, GVS, Character, School Climate, Highly Dedicated and Qualified Staff
This is the number of years Leah has been our CEO.
9 years as of 2/13/22!