In how many days did God create the earth & every thing in it?
6 days…on the 7th day he rested!
Whom are we made in the image of?
What was the rule that Adam and Eve broke?
They are from the tree in the middle of the garden
It was the on tree they weren't allowed to eat from
How did he create the world?
He spoke
What did God asks us to do
To look after the nature, the animals and work together. To have children and fill the earth
What did sin do to Adam and Eves relationship with God?
It created a separation between them. Adam and Eve couldn't be near to God anymore and had to leave his presence.
How did he create Adam & how did he create Eve?
He made him from the dust & breathed into his nostrils - he took a rib from Adam to make Eve
How did God make Adam
He made him out of the dust, breathed breath of life into him
How did God restore that relationship? (Who did he send)?
God sent His Son Jesus to die for the sins of everyone, removing the separation and bringing us into God's family