"...and that's plenty."
What is "Wow, you have a lot of kids."
May 30, 2024
What is the day Meg and JP starting dating.
Dressed as Michael Jackson for the prom
Who is Lucas?
If she wasn't Catholic, she'd be Jewish
Who is Naya?
What year did Mom and Jeffy meet?
January 14, 2024
The date Captain moved to Hillsdale
Drank water from an old motor oil bottle
Who is JP?
Most likely to enter religious life
Who are Cyril or Saraa?
Frozen Matcha Latte
How the calf died, when the window broke, how much you spent at shein?
What are things mom doesn't need to know?
June 30, 2019
What is the day we caught up on all the Sacraments
Misgendered drag queens at a dive bar
Who is Mom?
Said he looks the most handsome in a cassock
Who is River?
Becoming Catholic, marrying Jeffy, praying your friends don't drown.
What are mom's cryptic dreams.
November 11, 2020
What is Madame's birthday?
Wrecked two of our own cars in our driveway
Who is Naya?
Has a fascination with Eastern Religion
Who is Israel?
Starbucks Frappes
When you say you are bored, mom says
What is "Go entertain yourself with your noble thoughts."
August 10, 2022
What is the date Mom's marriage was annulled?
Talked back to his professor
Who is Israel?
Most RadTrad
Who is Lucas?
Leg Day