General Comprehension
Context Clues
Super Details!

The __________ shopper always found great deals and savings.

A) generous

B) thrifty

C) smart

B) thrifty - To be thrifty is to buy only what you need and save money.


What was the name of the imaginary king the young men invented?

King Hambone the First


What is the meaning of the bold word below?

"One evening, a couple of young men who were traveling through the country stropped at the old woman's house and asked if they could have lodging for the night." (page 105)

Lodging is a place to sleep or stay.

Synonyms: shelter, rooms


Inference: The young men were confident their trick had worked.

What text evidence can you find to support this inference?


>They went to sleep with smiles on their faces.

>The young men decide to make fun of the woman with a silly story.

>They joked about their morning as they walked away.


How many slices of ham does the old woman cut?



Which vocabulary word completes the quote from the text?

"Is that right?" the old woman replied. "Tell me more about your dream. I'm ______________ by dreams. I believe they are sometimes true."

fascinated (page 108)


What is revealed in paragraph 9?

The old woman knew what was happening and saw everything.


What is the meaning of the bold word below?

"Later that night, when the young men were sound asleep, the old woman crept from her room." (page 107)

Crept is the past tense of "creep," which means to move slowly in order to avoid being noticed.

Synonyms: crawled, snuck 


In paragraph 16, the young men are trying not to laugh at the silly dream, but the old woman seems to be taking it very seriously. Why is she acting so serious?

"We infer that she's serious because..."

Teacher will review and approve inferences.


Where does the old woman normally store the ham?

On a hook in the closet


Read the definitions below for the word generous.

Definition 1: someone who gives more than is needed

Definition 2: a large amount of something

Definition 3: showing kindness to others

Which definition matches the way the word generous is used below?

"The old woman cut a generous slice of ham for each traveler."

Definition 2: a large amount of something

The old woman cut a large amount of ham for each traveler.


What does the old woman wrap the brick in before putting it into the travel bag?

a shirt


What is the meaning of the bold word below?

"Chuckling to himself, he slowly unwrapped the shirt." (page 110)

Chuckling means laughing quietly or to yourself.

Synonyms: laughed, giggled


Inference: The old woman is very clever and knows more than she shows.

What text evidence can you find to support this inference?


>She stays up and spies on the young men.

>She goes along with the dream story and makes up her own details.


What does one of the young men call the old woman in paragraph 12?



"In the many years of her life she had become a judge of good character, and she had noticed the rascally look in the young men's eyes."

What does character mean in this sentence? Write a definition.

A person's character is the kind of person he or she is.

Synonyms: disposition, personality, temperament


What did the old woman do with most of the vegetables she grows in her garden?

She took them to the village on market day and tried to sell or trade them.


What is the meaning of the bold word below?

"Seldom were they offered such good food in their travels." (page 105)

Seldom means rarely or almost never.

Synonyms: rarely, uncommonly, hardly ever


Paragraph 20: "Open of the land of Travelibag. My stomach tells me I need to visit the king of that land."

What is the young man really saying here?

"We infer that he means..."

Teacher will review and approve inferences.


Where did the young men sit to eat after leaving the woman's house?

under a shady tree


thrifty      generous         character        fascinated

Use 2 of the above words in a sentence.

Teacher will review and approve examples.


Where does the old woman hide the ham?

under her bed


What is the meaning of the bold word below?

"But those two young men were a couple of rascals, and right away a roguish idea came into their minds." (page 105)

Roguish means dishonest and bad-behaved.

Synonyms: mischievous, deceitful, untrustworthy


Inference: The young men have learned their lesson.

What text evidence can you find to support this inference?

Evidence: paragraph 30

"This time they didn't even think about trying to play any tricks."

Who threw out King Hambone the First from the land of Travelibag?

the good people
