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It is important to consider content, process, affect, product, and learning environment when delivering this type of instruction.

What is differentiated instruction?


A teacher periodically acknowledges John's work by giving him free time, thereby providing this kind of motivation.

What is extrinsic motivation?


When his students have difficulty reading words, Mr. Ramsey prompts them by providing them with the initial sound or syllable. Mr. Ramsey is using ____ cues.

What are phonemic cues?


Touchmath, zero facts, turn-around facts, adding doubles are all examples of this kind of technique.

What is the self-instruction technique?


When a teacher uses a flexible curriculum and adapts teaching materials to help all her students optimize their learning, she is using this principle of learning.

What is universal design for learning?


This is a type of feedback in which teachers praise students and reinforce the answer by restating why it was correct.

What is process feedback?


Teaching students how to use context clues, cognates, key morphemes, and root words to determine meanings helps develop this. 

What is vocabulary?


When Ms. Smith encourages her students to use the sentence, My Very Educated Mother Just Solved Nine Puzzles to remember the order of the planets, she is teaching them to use this strategy.

What is acrostic?


When I ask students to read a selection silently, summarize it, discuss and clarify unclear vocabulary, and then, reverse our roles, I am using this method of teaching.

What is reciprocal teaching?


This is a strategy to help a large group of students. The teacher pairs them randomly, gives them a problem, and asks them to think about a solution. Next, she asks them to discuss their responses with their partners, and then share their responses with the class.

What is think-pair-share?


When a student attempts to figure out a word by using the outline of the word, they are using this type of cue.

What is a configuration cue?


Students who have difficulty remembering the order in which to solve computation problems can be given these. 

What are cues?


A teacher used this strategy to post words on the whiteboard to give students a clue about the topic of the text they would be reading.

What is Prevoke, or Vocab-o-gram?


Mr. John uses this kind of training to help Benny see that his recent progress on math is most likely due to his coming to extra math support during lunch and by working on his math facts at home with his mom and not due to chance.

What is attribution training?


A 4-step remedial strategy that teaches students word recognition skills by tracing, writing without tracing, recognizing the word in print, and analyzing the word, respectively.

What is the Fernald method?


Mr. Goldson asks his students to "Read pages 45–53 on World War II, find out the causes of the war, and to define the terms nationalism, appeasement, and Axis power." Mr. Goldson is using this technique to help his students focus on a specific section.

What is an advance organizer?


To help his students learn what shiver means, the teacher uses this ESL technique by which he states the word and pretends to shiver.

What is TPR (Total Physical Response)?


This form contains teacher-prepared cues that guide students in taking notes. 

What is a strategic note-taking form?


Lisa is using this type of program where a changing list of words and phrases appears on the screen based on the context, as she types text. 

What is a Word prediction program?


A teacher is teaching her students about the history of math and offering various culturally-diverse practice applications of math. It is most likely that she is using _.

What is ethnomathematics?
