Apply What you know!
Inclusion helps to create a classroom community. True or False
TRUE! "Inclusive Education means that all students are welcomed into the school and have their individual needs met within the classroom (Auger & Rich, 2007, pg. 36)."
Mrs. George is planning a field trip for her grade 5 class. Cindy, a student in her class has a visual impairment. Mrs. George believes that Cindy is not capable of engaging in a field trip, and that it is best for the whole class if she does not attend. She asks the principal to find other arrangements for Cindy on the day of the trip. Do you think that Mrs. George is practicing Inclusion?
NO! An inclusive classroom welcomes everyone, and includes adaptations for those students who have impairments.
Who should a teacher talk to in order to obtain information about students, and help ensure they are successful?
Teachers should collaborate with teachers, parents and the students themselves in order to gain information about what their students enjoy, and how they learn best. Teachers should also offer various activities that focus on different learning styles in order to obtain information about how their students learn.
There are 5 different types of intelligences. True or False?
FALSE! Gardner states that there are 8 different types of intelligences. Auditory, Kinesthetic, Linguistic, Interpersonal, Intrapersonal, Logical/Mathematical, Musical, Naturalistic.
Mrs. Smith is excited to set up her classroom for the first day of school. Since she believes that students do their best work individually, she arranges the desks in rows and intends to keep them that way for the remainder of the year. Has Mrs. Smith set up an inclusive classroom?
NO! Allowing students the opportunity to work in small and large groups as well as individually leads to a differentiated and inclusive classroom community.
Give an example of a way a lesson could be geared toward Linguistic learners?
Allowing students to write about or discuss their experiences is a beneficial way to foster Linguistic learners. Some examples, Journal entries Pamphlets Oral reports Trivia Debates
Students only have Physical Education class to exert built up energy. True or False?
FALSE! Many students learn kinaesthetically , and gain vital information and life skills from Physical Education class.
Mrs. Ducey knows her students well and accommodates all her classroom activities based on her students ability and interests. A few of the students and parents have stated that they do not think this is fair. Do you think that Mrs. Ducey should change the way she offers her activities?
NO! Mrs. Ducey has taken the time to get to know each of her students and is offering them the best possible way to be successful with the curriculum.
"Creating an inclusive classroom can be time consuming and expensive." Does this quote prove true? Why or why not?
Not at all. Teachers can offer an inclusive classroom using very little money and time. They need to employ simple yet strategic strategies that cater to all the different learning styles of their students.
An inclusive environment is one that celebrates diversity, sets high expectations, is encouraging, enthusiastic and caring. True or False?
TRUE! An inclusive classroom not only creates supportive and caring classrooms, but offers a responsive curriculum, diverse instruction, and assists all students.
Mrs. Simmons is a brand new teacher. She is striving to be very organized and designs her classroom routine to be very punctual. When the bell signals, she asks all students to close their books and take out the next subject. Do you think this is an effective way for Mrs. Simmons to organize her lessons?
NO! Although it is important for teachers to be organized and timely, it is just as important for teachers to have a flexible classroom that allows for accommodation and inclusivity.
In what ways can teachers/parents foster learning in Naturalistic learners?
Allowing students the opportunity to engage with nature and develop personal growth will be beneficial to the Naturalistic learner. For example, a field trip that allows students to find symmetry in their environment.
Teachers should not diversify the learning activities presented in class because it confuses the students.
FALSE! All teachers should vary instruction to allow for an inclusive classroom.
Jimmy learns best interpersonally. Since he often discusses classroom content with his friends, his teacher moves his desk so that he is sitting alone and not interrupting the class. She believes that he should concentrate more on listening rather than discussing. Do you think this is benefiting Jimmy?
NO! Interpersonal learners strive in situations where they are able to discuss content and scenarios with others. Jimmy's teacher would help Jimmy and the other interpersonal learners if she allowed for group discussion after or during the lesson.
Take the time to review this bulletin board. Information has been displayed in various ways. Did you benefit from the Verbal or Linguistic aspects of this board or the Auditory aspects? Take the time to figure out how you learn best. Think about other ways this information could be gained. The different learning styles are listed in the answer to help you on your way!
Logical/Mathematical Visual/Spatial Kinesthetic Auditory Naturalistic Interpersonal Intrapersonal Musical