What does "Delete Elmer Made" translate to?
The Little Mermaid!
What does "My Kojak Sun" translate to?
Michael Jackson!
What does "Up Hair Hush Ooze" translate to?
A Pair of Shoes!
What does "Is Bunch Pops Queer Pans" translate to?
Spongebob Squarepants!
What does " Than Cue " translate to?
Thank You!
What does "Hype People Earth Duh Hey" translate to?
Happy Birthday!
What does " Pea Sank White" translate to?
Peace and Quiet!
What does "Wheel Yum Air Ream He" translate to?
Will You Marry Me?
What does "Says Amy's Treat" translate to?
Sesame Street!
What does "Hugh Knigh Teds Dates" translate to?
United States!
What does "Isle Of View" translate to?
I love you!
What does "Pier Steers" translate to?
Pierced Ears!
What does "Yore Luke Ink Hood" translate to?
You're Looking Good!
What does "High Dance Eek" translate to?
Hide and Seek!
What does "Weigh Cup Pin Theme Awning" translate to?
Wake Up In The Morning!
What does "Jog Clay Die Scream" translate to?
Chocolate Ice Cream!
What does " Sand Tack Laws" translate to?
Santa Claus!
What does "My Cull Chore Den" translate to?
Michael Jordan!
What does "Height Whole Chews Oh" translate to?
I Told You So!
What does "Ape Arrows Uncle As His" translate to?
A Pair Of Sunglasses!
What does "Ladle Rat Rotten Hut" translate to?
Little Red Riding Hood!
What does "Aww Loved Hoot He" translate to?
Call of duty!
What does "Caress Peak Reamed Hone Huts" translate to?
Krispy Kreme Doughnuts!
What does "Won Hunt Dread Hollers" translate to?
One Hundred Dollars!
What does "Canned Ache My High Saw Few" translate to?
Can't Take My Eyes Off You!