Complete the pattern: 110, 85, 60,
45, 30, 15
Complete the pattern: 150, 155, 161, 168
176, 185, 195
The pattern rule for .__. ..__.. ...__... ....__....
Start with .__., add 1 . to each side
The pattern rule for 100, 79, 58, 37, 16 is
Start at 100, subtract 21
The rule for the pattern 52, 55, 58, 61 is
Start at 52, add 3
Complete the pattern: ^^^^^^^$^^^^^^^ ^^^^^^$^^^^^^ ^^^^^$^^^^^, ___, ___, ___
^^^^$^^^^ ^^^$^^^ ^^$^^
The pattern rule for !@@@@@@@@@ !@@@@@@@ !@@@@@ !@@@ is
Start with !@@@@@@@@@, subtract 2 @ each time
Complete the pattern for 3, 7, 15, ___, ___, ___
31, 62,125
The pattern rule for ++ ++ , +++ +++ +++, ++++ ++++ ++++ ++++, is
Start with ++, have a many ++ groups as + in the group
Complete the pattern for 78, 72, 66, ___, ___, ___
60, 54, 48
The pattern rule for
1. 60
2. 55
3. 49
4. 42
Start with 60 subtract 5 and increase the subtraction by 1 each time.
Complete the pattern for 46, 60, 74 ___, ___, ___
88, 102, 116
The pattern rule for 6, 16, 68, 140 is
Start at 6, multiply by 2 add 4
Complete the pattern for 100, 89, 78, ___, ___, ___
67, 56, 45