Independent Living
Life Skills
Independence Academy
Social Skills

These are the steps to...

1. Grab a clean trash bag

2. Pull out of the container the full trash bag 

3. Tie the top of the bag OR pull the plastic tie to close the top of the bag

4. Put the empty bag into the container

5. Walk the full trash bag to the trash receptacle 

What is Taking out the trash?


At Lakeview, we counted these items to 10, what did you organize at your home? 

What is silverware?


Someone who is equal to another person, either in social standing or because he or she is in the same age group or has the same status.

What is a peer? 


Use these steps when... 

1. Look at the person.

2. Say ‘Okay’.

3. Stay calm.

4. If you disagree, ask later. 

What is Accepting No?

These are the steps to what independent living skill? 

  1. Get toothbrush wet

  2. Put toothpaste on toothbrush

  3. Put toothbrush in mouth

  4. Brush top teeth

  5. Brush bottom teeth

  6. Rinse mouth

  7. Rinse toothbrush

  8. Put away toothbrush 

What is brushing your teeth?


What interactive motor game did we do when you had to search for items in your home?

What is an Indoor Scavenger Hunt?


Which lesson did we determine that water is a better choice than soda? 

What is Making Good Food choices? 


These steps are to what social skill

1. Look at the person

2. Say “Okay”

3. Do what you’ve been asked right away

4. Check back

What is following directions/listening?


In this lesson, Let’s review the steps on how to make a cupcake using a mix.

What is how to create a meal? 


We covered aabbcc in what lesson?

What is extending patterns? 


"May I join you" is a great example of someone who wants to do what?

What is making friends?


Use these steps when...

1. Look at the person

2. Ask the person if they have time to help you

3. Clearly explain the kind of help you need

4. Thank the person for helping

What is asking for help


These are the steps to what routine?

  1. Get into shower

  2. Turn water on to a warm temperature

  3. Get body wet

  4. Shampoo hair

  5. Rinse hair 

  6. Rub soap on body

  7. Rinse body

  8. Turn off water

  9. Dry body off

  10. Put new clothes on

What is a shower/bath? 


What is a topic that we practiced working on with your personal information? 

What is your first and last name, parent/guardian name, address, and phone number. 

Is funny, is a good listener, is loyal, understands how you feel are all good _________ that you want in a friend.

What are qualities? 


This example was used when we were studying what social skill? 

There is a guest speaker in the room, talking about how to take good pictures with a camera. Is this a good time to ask how to use a flash with your camera?

What is Asking for help? 


These were the steps to our first Independent Living lesson! What skill was being practiced?

1. Turn on water

2. Get soap

3. Scrub hands for 20 seconds

4. Rinse Hands

5. Dry Hands with towel

What is Hand-Washing?


What lesson did we use to help practice sequence of steps and organization?

What is the Making of a PB and J sandwich. 


On a ____________ you will find fixed expenses, flexible expenses, earned income, and deductions.

What is a Budget? 


This scenario was used in practicing what social skill? 

You ask your teacher if you may use the restroom. 

Their answer is “No”. How do you respond?

What is Accepting No? 
