_____ stars and _____ stripes are on the United States Flag
What are 50 and 13
In 1780 this animal was designated as a national symbol.
Bald Eagle
This fruit is the most popular choice served on the 4th of July.
What is Watermelon
This color is the hardest to produce.
What is blue
Fun Fact: Fireworks all have the same base and materials, no matter the color, but adding different chemicals makes different colors. To get any kind of blue, you need to add a copper compound, but if the firework's temperature gets too high, the blue hue gets washed out. And since fireworks involve a lot of, well, fire, most of the time, any blue is pretty dim and unexciting.
The stars on the United States flag represent each _____
What is state
What is the name of the United States National Anthem?
The Star Spangled Banner
Americans favorite pie
What is apple pie
Fireworks came to America in this year.
What is 1777
_______ people signed the Declaration of Independence
What is 56
Finish the lyrics:
The land of the ______ and the home of the _______.
The land of the free and the home of the brave!
Most Americans use this to cook on the Fourth of July
What is a grill?
Fireworks were invented in this country
What is China
Fun Facts: Fireworks were originally invented in China. Cultural events and festivities such as the Chinese New Year and the Mid-Autumn Moon Festival were and still are times when fireworks are guaranteed sights. China is the largest manufacturer and exporter of fireworks in the world. Modern colored fireworks were invented in Europe in the 1830s.
True or False
Only two people actually signed the Declaration of Independence on July 4, 1776.
What is True
The Statue of Liberty including the base is 300 feet?
True or False
What is false
The Statue of Liberty is actually 305 feet.
Americans will consume 375 million on July 4th.
What is Hamburgers
Statistics help explain the phenomena: Around 150 million hot dogs are consumed on the holiday, according to the National Hot Dog and Sausage Council – and that's not including the Nathan's Famous Hot Dog Eating Contest in Coney Island. Meanwhile, USA Today estimates that Americans eat about 375 million burgers.Jul 4, 2020
Which company is the largest consumer of fireworks in the world?
What is Walt Disney
The 4th of July become a National Holiday in
What is 1870
There are 2 things most people do on 4th of July
What is have cookouts and celebrate with fireworks.
This contest is held every 4th of July at Coney Island by Nathan's Famous
What is the Hot dog eating contest.
True or False?
All of the different fireworks shapes have their own names?
What is true