Advice & Suggestions
Present Perfect
Present Perfect or Past Simple?
Unscramble the sentence

The match against Palmeiras _____ (start) at 7pm.

a. start
b. starts
c. will start
d. is going to start

b. starts

Present Simple: timetabled events, 3rd person singular (it).


I can't stand Renato anymore! Guerra _____ fire him!

a. can
b. could
c. shall
d. should

d. should



I _____ (watch) this film. Let's choose another!

a. already watched
b. already watchen
c. have already watchen
d. have already watched

d. have already watched

Present Perfect: have/has* (auxiliary verb) + Past Participle (main verb).

*3rd person singular (he/she/it)

Watch is a regular verb, so Past Simple and Past Participle are the same (-ed).


My team _____ (play) very badly in the tournament, but I _____ (have) fun.

a. played / haved
b. played / had
c. have play / have had
d. have played / have haved

b. played / had

Past Simple: the tournament is over.

Play: regular verb (-ed).
Have: irregular verb (had).


JP Galvão's / will / contract / renew / Grêmio / not 

Grêmio will not renew JP Galvão's contract!


I think Grêmio _____ (win) tonight.

a. win
b. will win
c. is winning
d. is going to win

b. will win

Will: predictions


I don't think there are many people at the mall right now. ____ we go watch Inside Out 2?

a. Will
b. Shall
c. Do
d. Can

b. Shall



____ you _____ (finish) reading that book yet?

a. Do / finished
b. Did / finish
c. Have / finish
d. Have / finished

d. Have / finished

Present Perfect: have/has* (auxiliary verb) + Past Participle (main verb).

*3rd person singular (he/she/it)

Finish is a regular verb, so Past Simple and Past Participle are the same (-ed).


At the age of 3, I _____ (not know) how to ride a bike.

a. didn't know
b. haven't known
c. don't knew
d. haven't knew

a. didn't know

Past Simple: finished period ("When I was 3 years old").

Negative form: didn't (auxiliary verb) + bare infinitive* (main verb).

*Base form, such as do, play, study, etc. It doesn't matter if the verb is regular or not.


should / playing / Pokémon / you / start 

You should start playing Pokémon!


I _____ (meet) my best friend after class to play Fifa.

a. meet
b. will meet
c. am meeting
d. am going to meet

c. am meeting

Present Continuous: arrangements (more certain plans that include another person, time...).


_____ we throw a party next weekend? We could invite our friends and have fun after the tests.

a. How about
b. Are
c. Can't
d. Why don't

d. Why don't

Why don't + subject + verb: suggestion/invitation.


I _____ (eat) Turkish food, but I'd like to try it someday.

a. never eaten
b. have never eaten
c. never ate
d. have never ate

b. have never eaten

Present Perfect: have/has* (auxiliary verb) + Past Participle (main verb).

*3rd person singular (he/she/it)

Eat is an irregular verb, so Past Simple (ate) and Past Participle (eaten) don't end in -ed. They're also different, which is not true for all irregular verbs.


I _____ (not like) any vegetables when I was a child, but now I eat some.

a. didn't like
b. didn't liked
c. haven't liked
d. haven't like

a. didn't like

Past Simple: finished period (You're a teenager now, not a child).

Negative form: didn't (auxiliary verb) + bare infinitive* (main verb).

*Base form, such as do, play, study, etc. It doesn't matter if the verb is regular or not.


it's / the / weekend / I / the / rain / on / heard / on / that / going / radio / to 

I heard on the radio that it's going to rain on the weekend.


My best friend friend can't go out with me today because he _____ (study) for his test. It's tomorrow!

a. study
b. will study
c. is studying
d. is going to study

d. is going to study

Be going: plans.


_____ playing some Fortnite after school?

a. Why don't we
b. How about
c. Will we
d. Would you like

b. How about

How about + gerund: suggestion/invitation.


How does my sister look? She _____ (cut) her own hair!

a. have just cut
b. has just cutted
c. has just cut
d. have just cutted

c. has just cut

Present Perfect: have/has* (auxiliary verb) + Past Participle (main verb).

*3rd person singular (he/she/it)

Cut** is an irregular verb, so Past Simple (cut) and Past Participle (cut) don't end in -ed. However, they're the same, which is not true for all irregular verbs.

**If you go to a hairdresser, you say "I have just got (verb) a haircut (noun)", because another person practices the action.


I _____ (not see) JP Galvão play well this year. He _____ (perfom) badly even in the State Championship!

a. didn't see / performed
b. haven't saw / have performed
c. didn't seen / has performed
d. haven't seen / performed

d. haven't seen / performed

Present Perfect: unspecific occasion, unfinished period (this year).

Past Simple: specific, finished occasion (Gauchão).


play / will / you / time / to / have / think / with / do / you / tomorrow / me / Roblox

Do you think you will have time to play Roblox with me tomorrow?


My dad said we've run out of bread, so I _____ (buy) some at the bakery after class. Ummm, I think I _____ (get) some orange juice as well.

a. am going to buy / will get
b. am going to buy / am going to get
c. will buy / will get
d. will buy / am going to get

a. am going to buy / will get

Be going: decision before the moment of speaking (plan).

Will: decision at the moment of speaking (spontaneous).


I know you don't like tomatoes, but you _____ to keep it a secret from your nonna.

a. shall
b. ought
c. will
d. can

b. ought

Ought + infinitive*: advice/recommendation (same as should).

*to do, to play, to study, etc.
The others are followed by bare infinitive (base form): do, play, study, etc.


____ your dog ____ (throw up) on your bed? Mine did it last week and I didn't see it: I only realized when I went to bed!

a. Have / throwed
b. Has / threw
c. Have / throw
d. Has / thrown

d. Has / thrown

Present Perfect: have/has* (auxiliary verb) + Past Participle (main verb).

*3rd person singular (he/she/it)

Throw is an irregular verb, so Past Simple (threw) and Past Participle (thrown) don't end in -ed. They're also different, which is not true for all irregular verbs.


I _____ (have) classes with Brenda. Actually, she _____ (be) my teacher last semester.

a. already had / has been
b. have already had / has been
c. have already had / was
d. already had / was

c. have already had / was

Present Perfect: unspecific.
Past Simple: specific ("when") – further information.


sports / have / any / never / strange / I / of / tried / those 

I have never tried any of those strange sports.
