On what Continent is India located on?
what is southwest asia
Who is the Indian President of 2022
who is Ram Nath Kovind
what is Hindi
what are the colors of the Indian Flag?
What is Orange, white, green, blue
Who followed the path of Indian Independence
Who is Gandhi
What is the capitol of India
what is New Delhi
what are the 3 branches of the Indian government
what is legislature, executive, judiciary
what is India main holiday?
what is Diwali
what are the animals native to India?
what are Elephant, tiger, rhinoceros
Who Preached the message of kindness and equality
who is mother teresa
Most popular city in India?
What is Mumbai
The Indian Government is also known as?
what is the central
India Is the Birth place of what 2 religions?
what is Hinduism & Buddhism
what are Indian Movies and actors called?
What is Bollywood
Who played a role in India's movement to Independence and civil rights?
Who is Sarojini Naidu
Most popular mountain range in India
What is the Himalayas
When Did India gain Independence from Britain
what is 1947
what mark did the Mughul Empire leave on indian cuisine ?
what are Ground spices
who is the most famous person from India?
Who is Mahatma Gandhi
Who became national hero of the Indian liberation struggle against British rule
Who is Baghat Singh
What ocean is near India?
what is the Indian Ocean
What is India's currency called?
what are Rupee's
What is the Indian bible called?
what is the The Vedas
What is the population of India?
what is 1.4 Billion.
Who was the first president of India
who is Rajendra prasad