The mountain range in the north east region of India
What are the Himalayan mountains
In ancient India, people's life circumstances were determined by this
What is the caste system?
Originally a Hindu spiritual discipline, these physical poses that are sometimes held for a long period of time are popular for health and relaxation in many Western countries
What is yoga?
The Hindi-language sector of India's movie-making industry, still based in Mumbai
What is Bollywood?
How many countries border India.
A. 9
B. 5
C. 8
D. 6
6 countries - Pakistan, China, Myannmar, Nepal, Bhutan, Afghanistan
Written ideas about questions such as "Why are we born?"
What is Upanishads
The name of the Aryan writing/language system
What is Sanskrit?
ancient India's achievement which kept this building material a consistent weight, length and width
What are bricks
Also known as "untouchables" This should also be under religion :)
What are Dalits?
Seasonal winds that blow in from the Arabian sea or down from the Himalayas
What are monsoons?
The name of another popular religion in India
What is Buddhism
Indian astronomers observing the curved shadow of the earth during a lunar eclipse did what with that information?
What is prove the earth is round?
This system in ancient India's cities kept people clean and safe from disease
what are drainage or sewage systems
this board game originated in India
what is chess
Because of its size and its separation (due to the mountains) from the Asian continent, the land mass that contains India is known as this
What is a subcontinent?
the cycle of cause & effect of actions
What is Karma
This mathematical idea was invented in India
What is the modern numeral or decimal system
This is where the Indus River Valley civilization would go to trade
What is Mesopotamia?
What physical feature did both the ancient Egyptian and Indian civilizations live near?
What is a river?
Name of India's large plateau
What is the Deccan Plateau?
Who are Brahma, Vishnu and Shiva?
Hindu gods that represent creator (Brahma), preserver (Vishnu) and destroyer (Shiva)
one of the crops of the Indus Valley Civilization
What is wheat, barley or lentils
Caste that would work with their hands - farmers, herders, tool makers. etc.
Who are peasants
What animal is considered sacred in India?
what are cows