The mountain range in the north east region of India
What are the Himalayan mountains
In ancient India, people's life circumstances were determined by this
What is the caste system?
Originally a Hindu spiritual discipline, the physical poses are popular for health and relaxation in many Western countries
What is yoga?
The Hindi-language sector of India's movie-making industry, still based in Mumbai
What is Bollywood?
How many countries border India.
A. 9
B. 5
C. 8
D. 6
6 countries - Pakistan, China, Myannmar, Nepal, Bhutan, Afghanistan
Siddhartha Guatama is know for this
(What is Siddhartha Guatama known for?)
What is founding Buddhism?
The name of the Aryan writing/language system
What is Sanskrit?
India's top export
What are engineering goods (including iron and steel products, industrial machinery, and automobiles)?
Also known as "untouchables" This should also be under religion :)
What are Pariahs?
Seasonal winds that blow in from the Arabian sea or down from the Himalayas
What are monsoons?
What is the name for the following ideas:
1) Life is filled with suffering and sorrow.
2) The cause of all suffering is people’s selfish desire for the temporary pleasures of this world.
3) The way to end all suffering is to end all desires. 4) The way to overcome such desires and attain enlightenment is to follow the Noble Eightfold Path
What are the Four Noble Truths?
Indian astronomers observing the curved shadow of the earth during a lunar eclipse did what with that information?
What is prove the earth is round?
The name of India's current president
Ram Nath Kovind
India's English-speaking population is _______
1) the largest of any country in the world
2) the third largest of any country in the world
3) an unknown size, due to bureaucratic & administrative issues
4) the smallest of any country where English is an official language
India's English-speaking population is 1) the largest in the world
Because of its size and its separation (due to the mountains) from the Asian continent, the land mass that contains India is known as this
What is a subcontinent?
Define these words:
1. Karma
2. Reincarnation
1) Karma: the cycle of cause & effect of actions ("what goes around, comes around!")
2) Reincarnation: when the soul leaves the body (after death) and returns to a new body
**Moksha the Hindu version of Heaven
This mathematical idea was invented in India
What is the modern numeral or decimal system
What environment similarity did the ancient Egyptian and Indian civilizations share?
What is unpredictable flooding?
3,000,000 sq km
(Three million square kilometers)
Who are Brahma, Vishnu and Shiva?
(who are they individually & as a group)
Hindu gods that represent creator (Brahma), preserver (Vishnu) and destroyer (Shiva)
Why we don't know more about the Indus Valley society?
What is they had a writing system that we have not been able to translate (no Rosetta stone!)
What date India became a Republic?
Jan 26, 1950
How many official languages does India have?
What are 22 official languages?