
Name two later Mughal rulers.

Bahardur Shah I

Jahandar Shah


MUhammad Shah


Why was there a constant struggle for power among the nobility?

They acted as a king-maker and became direct contenders of power.


You are the governor who held the combined office of the 'Subadar, faujdar, Diwan'. Who are you?

Saadat Khan


Who was awarded the title of 'Nizam-ul-mulk Asaf Jah'?

Chin Qilch Khan


Why Mansabdar became lax in maintaining the number of troops that was required?

Due to shortage of profitable jagirs and gradual weakening of centralized control.


Imagine you are a son/daughter of Haider Ali. After his death you are responsible to make the empire strong and effective. What steps will you take for the same?

Introduce Modern Weapon.

Make Modern navy.

Modernize Industry and trade.

Incorporate the idea of French revolution.


Maharaja Ranjit Singh was the leader of which Misl?

Sukerchakia Misl


Why there was a constant war of successions in Mughal empire?

No rule of proper succession. Every prince considered himself to be the new ruler.


The Mughals became puppets in the hands of powerful nobles and could not assert their opinions and free will. According to you, is free will important? If yes, then why?

Free will is indeed important on an individual level and within the broader context of society or governance. 

When individuals have the freedom to choose, they can be held accountable for their actions, leading to a more just and fair society.

Free will allows individuals to make choices that reflect their own desires, values, and beliefs. 

Free will encourages creativity and innovation. When people are free to think independently and act on their ideas, it leads to new solutions, discoveries, and advancements in various fields. 

In a political context, free will is fundamental to democracy. It allows citizens to express their opinions, participate in decision-making processes, and choose their leaders.

A lack of free will can lead to oppression and tyranny. When power is concentrated in the hands of a few, without checks and balances, it often results in the subjugation of others' rights and freedoms.


Third battle of Panipat was fought between?

Balaji Baji Rao and Ahmad Shah Abdali


why Marathas failed to establish ab all-India empire?

Maratha chiefs lack unity

Alienated regional rulers.

Neglected trade and Industry.

No attempt to improve the administration of territories.


Imagine you are the governor of Bengal, suggest measures for the consolidation and improved administration of Bengal.

Encourage agriculture, trade and industry.

Give loans to poor farmers

Strict control over collection of custom duties.
