Economy and more
What are strong winds with heavy rains that are seasonal?
True or False...Hinduism is the major religion practiced by people of India.
True.. Hinduism
When is Easter this year?
April 20 Sunday
What is the name of the Holy body of water to the Hindus in India. Clue: it comes out of the Himilyas Mts.
Ganges River
Explain ways of showing nonviolent protest as was practiced in India.
marches, sit ins, job strikes and slow downs, hunger strikes, etc,
What are some of the physical geographic features of India. Name 1.
Himilaya Mts. Eastern and Western Ghats Indian Ocean
What is the major industry most child laborers work in?
Brahmins are preists and the most highly educated individuals in India. They most access to education and the luxury items of life.
Why are the Brahmins given the most respect in India's society?
How do each of these physical features affect peoples lives in India? Himilaya Mts. Indian Ocean
Himilaya Mts block the winds from the north and blocks moisture in the form of rain to the region. They also act as a barrier to keep outsiders from easy access into India. Indian Ocean is where the monsoon rains pick up the moisture which come to the mainland in torrents for long period of time. Up to 4 months of long daily rains.
True or False More boys work in the service industry than girls.
False.. more girls work in these service jobs. Cleaning, washing, day care, cooks
Who was the peaceful resistance leader that aided in gaining independence for India?
M. Gandhi
What is the class system used in India in which youu are born into and remain for a live time. You can not leave your system catagory.
caste system with 5-8 classes.
How does child labor continue poverty?
Having a lack of education leaves children only know the life they are living.
Read the statement:Why are the Vaisyas more important that the Pariahs? Vaisysa: Skilled traders, merchants, and minor officals. Pariahs: Outcasts, Untouchables, "Children of God"
The Vaisysas are educated workers and sell products to the population. While the Pariahs are outcasts, individuals who live on the wrong side of the tracks and are not educated and work hard labor as servants, etc.
India's traditions have been founded on the principles of universal harmony, respect for all creation and an integrated holistic approach. Technology has had unprecedented impact on economic growth and social development. Knowledge has become a source of economic might and power. What type of jobs associated with technology are employing young Indians today?
Technology in the area of call centers for repair of computers and other electronics.
Name an event in the United States that was similar to the protests in India and the leader in the US who lead the marches.
Civil Rights Act of 1964, and Martin Luther King
What are 3 causes of child labor in S. Asia and SE. Asia
low wages large families no education
What is the last day of school? Give the day, date, and month and year.
Thursday, 29 May, 2014
True or False When India became independent it was freedom and the popluation was asked to improve the life of all Indians, including the poor and uneducated.
True or False More girls work in agriculture than boys
False...labor by boys is more acceptable and manual labor is more ingrained in the male culture.
Who made the following statement and what does it mean? "First they ignore you, then they laugh at you,then they fight you and then you win."
Gandhi... The meaning of the statement made is that it intends to tell you that the rulers or people in power will be blind to you actions, laugh at you because you are acting foolishly, now they want to fight you because they want to show their power toward you, but you do not fight and you will win as those in power will look as bullies and weak in the long run. Opinion will turn on the bully. You WIN!!
The young Indians are moving to the cities from the rural countryside regions because... more jobs, technology access and new innovations more jobs, larger choice for marriage and tourist attrations
More jobs, technology access and new innovations
What are the affects of monsoons (3)
Flooding, building of dams and water for irrigation of crops.
Abolishing child labor would have what kind of effect?
Delay marriages skilled workers and higher paying jobs better quality of life
Buddhism and Hinduism are religions founded in India. True or False