Geography is...
The study of places and the relationships between people and their enviornments
Dravidians are...
The indegenous peoples of India
Sects are...
Groups that have broken off from an established religious group
Taj Mahal is...
Great memorial built to honor the wife of Akbar's grandson's (Shah Jahan) wife
Rupee is...
India's currency
Festivals are...
A day or period of celebration, tipically for religious reasons
Gupta Empire is...
Second great Indian empire
The definition of Syncretism is...
Mixed source belief (religions that are a blend of two or more)
Mohandas Gandhi is...
Great leader from India who used nonviolence to protest for independence, gender equity, and peaceful conflict resolution
New Dehli is...
The capital city of india
Cuisine is...
A style of cooking, especially as characteristics of a particular country
Indian National Congress is...
group formed by Hindu nationalist leaders of India in 1885 to gain greater democracy and eventual self-rule
Hinduism is...
the main religion in India, it emphasizes reincarnation, based on the results of the previous life, and the desirability of escaping this cycle. Its various forms feature both asceticism and the pleasures of ordinary life, and it encompasses a multitude of gods as different manifestations of one ultimate reality
The Indus river is...
this river is home to india's earlyest cyvilisation
A monopoly is...
Complete control of a product or business by one person or group
Culture is...
The beliefs, customs, and arts of a particular society
East India company is...
British joint-stock company that grew to, for the most part, control economy in India; British used company to later control India
Sikhs are...
Nonviolent religous group that blended Buddhism, Hinduism and Sufism
Thar desert is...
India's longest desert that runs along India/Pakistan border
Ganges is...
a river in India that flows into the Bay of Bengal; in Hinduism, it is known as a sacred river
The caste system is...
Social system, groups based on birth
The british influence is...
The British influence in India began with the East India Company, like a corporate empire that gradually took control, shaping India's economy and culture from 1600 onward.
Pariahs are...( Not religious thing but...)
the name of the group of people outside the caste system; they were the contained the outcasts of society and untouchables, were not considered a part of Indian society or the caste system
Siddhartha Gautama is...
founder of Buddhism
Deccan Plateau is...
A high area of land at the center of the Indian subcontinent, between Eastern and Western Ghats