One Night at the Call Centre
One Night at the Call Centre-Characters
Call Centers in Modern India.
Name that Quote
This best selling author wrote other novels including: Five Point Someone - What not to do at IIT The Three Mistakes of My Life
Who is Chetan Bhagat
This characters is viewed as the "protagonist" and is in love with Priyanka
Who is Shyam
The year call centers took off in the U.S.A.
What is 1999.
Trading with American dates back to this century.
What is the 17th century.
"Thank you .My friends, don't you find it strange?The world's strongest and smartest people sitting here. An entire generation up all night,providing crutches for the white morons to run their lives.And why do we do this? So that we can buy stuff-jnk food, coloured fizzy water , dumbass credit cards and overpriced shoes. They call it youth culture? Is that what they think youth is?
Who is Vroom pg. 270
The year this book was published
What is 2005
This character is engaged to Ganesh Gupta, who works at Microsoft in the US.
Who is Priyanka
Americans view India as their Nirvana for these reasons:
What is a stable democracy, large english speaking population, high rate of post-secondary graduates.
Globalization in India took off in this decade
What is the 90's
"I dreaded the day when I wourld have to teach such classes. My own Delhi accent was impossible to get rid of, and I must have come last in my accent class. "
Who is Shyam pg. 55
This story takes place in the city of Gurgaon, which Indian province is this located in?
What is Haryana
This character is an inspiring model who goes to extreme lengths to fulfill her dream.
Who is Esha.
This age group has the highest employment in Call Centers.
What is Indian Youth
This policy in 1999 brought in further changes to the IP telephone debate.
What is "The new Telecom Policy"
"Because there is a contradiction. He doesn't like racists, but can't stand Americans."
Who is Priyanka pg. 133
This novel was turned into a Bollywood film in 2008
What is "Hello"
This character is betrayed by her husband who is cheating on her.
Who is Rhatika
All call center employees go through a training program referred to as " ". They learn to drop their Indian accents and watch T.V. shows such as Friends and Full House to grasp American Culture.
What is "Boot Camp"
means the contracting out of a business function to an external provider.[2] In this sense, two organizations may enter a contractual agreement involving an exchange of services and payments. Of recent concern is the ability of businesses to outsource to suppliers outside the nation, sometimes referred to as offshoring
What is "outsourcing"
"Not at all. In fact, I like the cozy family feeling. They're only a little bit old-fashioned."
Who is Radhika pg. 62
The characters recieve a phone call from this mysterious person who tells them how to deal with situations in their lives.
Who is God
Brushed off by family for sending grandson pictures in the mail.
Who is Military Uncle.
Over 800 western companies have call centers in India such as:
What is Dell, IBM, American Express, Delta Airlines and AOL.
This group was started has established a Women’s Cooperative Bank with 125,000 members, and through the aid of globalization, they have even reached the women in the rural areas of India.
What is Self-Employed Women’s Association (SEWA)
"... I argued with them before moving out. But I was wrong. It's their life and I have no right to judge them with my outdated values. I need to get rid of my inflated ego and visit them in the U.S. to talk it over."
Who is Military Uncle pg. 247