What is the name of the company that is responsible for the development of InE and when did they start to appear in India?
East India Company in 1600
What is the total population of India according to the census report in 2011?
1,2 billion
Name two factors which are responsible for the phonological regional variation in InE.
Influence of other Indian languages (over 200 different languages)
English is taught to Indians by Indians
What is topicalization?
Given information (topic) is placed at the beginning of sentences and followed by new information (comment).
What does"restaurant" mean?
What was being set up in order to spread the English language in India?
Universities (in Bengal, Bombay, and Madras) and a job market for people who learned English
In which areas is InE mostly used?
Which are the three kinds of speakers of InE?
1. near-native speakers
2. educated variety; benchmark for English Language teaching
3. speakers with limited competence, online in their restricted domains (waiters, shopkeepers etc.)
Which feature is used in Yes-no-questions in InE?
No inversion of the subject and auxiliary.
What does "tiffin" mean?
How is a pivotal moment in India's colonial history called in which English education was reinforced?
Thomas Babington Macaulay’s Minute of 1835
What is the total number of second language speakers of InE?
83 million
Name at least two of the four distinct language families in India.
Indo-Aryan, Dravidian, Austro-Asiatic and Tibeto-Burman
Give one example for topicalization and one for yes-no-questions
Topicalization: e.g. „All of these languages, we speak at home. At Ansal Plaza, it happened.“
Yes-no-questions: e.g. „You will come? Ganesh is at home? You are waiting?“
What is "eve-teasing"?
Women harassment