The French Embassy
Important Figures
Cherokee-American Wars

This man was named Minister Plenipotentiary to the Court of King Louis XVI and would remain the official ambassador to France until the election of 1794, and serve then as Secretary of State under President Washington.

Who is Thomas Jefferson?


This pioneer and frontiersman would become the legendary Folk Hero that inspired men like Davy Crockett due to his fighting the Shawnee and Cherokee.

Who is Daniel Boone?


It was this man who lured the commander of the Fort, where the Cherokee hostages were kept, out into the open in order to assassinate him, and would eventually replace Attakullakulla as First Beloved Man in 1777.

Who is Oconostota?


This famous influencer was the WWE US Champion from November of 2023 to August of 2024.

Who is Logan Paul?


This elderly statesman rather enjoyed the French Court's way of politics, as it allowed him to pretend to be a buffoon and engage in multiple affairs.

Who is Benjamin Franklin?


The 'Christian name' that Thayendanegea was baptised under.

What is Joseph Brant?


After the hostages are killed by the garrison of the Fort, this man was blamed by the Cherokee for allowing things to get so out of hand, though their ire did not go as far as removing him as their First Beloved Man.

Who is Attakullakulla?


This soft drink has 23 distinct spices and flavors added to it in order to replicate the smell of a soda jerk stand in 1885.

What is Dr. Pepper?


During his time at Court, he personally insulted the French Crown with an overheard outburst that he "would not fight his whole life to remove one European from the throne, only to replace him with another!"

Who is John Adams?


He would be the hand-picked successor of Dragging Canoe as the Warchief and First Beloved Man of the Cherokee.

Who is Kunokeski?


When the Cherokee delegation were bound and made into hostages by the South Carolina Governor, they were sent here to ensure the tribes' cooperation, even though they already sought to support the British against the French.

What is Fort Prince George?


Dave Thomas worked at KFC for the Colonel Sanders and his family for over 10 years before leaving the Fast Food giant to open his own Fast Food joint, which he named after his daughter.

What is Wendy's?


It was due to the paranoia of the Court of Louis XIV, the Sun King, who built a palace with listening chambers in the walls surrounding the rooms of his nobility, that led to the French Court's penchant to 'discuss' politics only when doing this.

What is socializing?


The son of Attakullakulla, he would eventually follow in his father's footsteps as First Beloved Man, as well as the 'Red' Chief (Warchief) of the entire Cherokee tribes.

Who is Tsiyu Gansini?


He never believed that peace with the American colonists was an option for the Cherokee, and over his lifetime come to trust a handful of White Europeans as being honorable.

Who is Tsiyu Gansini?


After listening to an especially charged audience sing along with every single song they played, Queen's lead guitarist Brian May designed this song as a way to actively involve the crowd during concerts.

What is "We Will Rock You"?


After serving as one of the American Ambassadors to France, he would go on to become America's Ambassador to the Dutch, successfully gaining America its first line of credit, as well as the Ambassador to the English, where he was heavily disliked by the nobility for being obnoxious, though King George III thought highly of him and remembered him.

Who is John Adams?


First Beloved Man of the Cherokee from the period of the French and Indian War until the third year of the American Revolution, he grew increasingly disappointed by the treachery of Europeans.

Who is Attakullakulla?


This Englishman was beaten, roasted over a fire, scalped, then tarred and feathered, only to survive and lead the Carolina Rangers, an elite group of English guerilla fighters who served alongside the Cherokee and Seminoles.

Who is Thomas Brown?


This President often staged boxing matches at the White House against any opponent, including professional boxers, and only stopped when his military aide punched him in his left eye hard enough to permanently blind him in that eye.

Who is Theodore Roosevelt?
